Earth Day Kick-Off Friday April 19, 2013
Earth Week Events April 18-26, 2013
The UW Earth Day Celebration brings students, faculty, staff, and community members together to celebrate the environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts across campus. Groups can share information about their mission, educate others about their area of environmental focus, and encourage others to get involved. See last year's Earth Day Celebration.
UW Earth Club is collaborating with a committee to plan this year's event. UW will be kicking off Earth Day on Friday April 19th as a part of HuskyFest, and continuing with satellite events to the 26th of April.
On this page:
Event schedule
Earth Week programs
Speakers & performers
Planning committee

Earth Day Kick Off Celebration in partnership with HuskyFest
6:00 AM - 6:00 PM Hood to Hood Concert presented by KEXP +Performances
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Exhibitors on Red Square +Exhibitors
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Sustainability Scavenger Hunt Begins +Download
Pick up at the UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainabiliy table, participate throughout Earth Week, submit all materials by April 27, all participants entered to win one of five Tablet Cases made from repurposed UW 150th Banners, other prizes also available.
12:00 PM Opening Remarks by Julia Parrish, Associate Dean of College of the Environment +Profile
12:10 PM Speaker Anne Mosness, Go Wild Campaign +Profile
12:20 PM Speaker James Rasmussen, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition +Profile
12:30 PM Husky Green Awards Ceremony presented by Chris Jordan, UW Student Regent +Nominees
12:45 PM Announcements Campus Cleanup Winner, Green Office Certification Competition Winners
2:15 PM Trashion Show hosted by UW EcoReps +Last Year's Photos +Preview on New Day NW
The Trashion Show is trash oriented fashion show designed to change people's perspectives on what waste really is, and also, how certain materials can be diverted from waste. Materials used came from personal trash, commercial dumpsters and collections from different events.
Sustainability Scavenger Hunt: April 19th - 26th - Go to ten locations around campus identified on the map, take photos at each place and upload them to Facebook, and then tag "UW Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability" in your photos. The first 30 students to complete the scavenger hunt will earn Flash Drives made of bamboo and Screen cleaning Clings from UW Recycling. Other prizes to be given out on raffle include five tablet cases made from repurposed UW 150th Anniversary banners from UW Marketing, and five locally sourced water bottles and five recycled cotton shopping bags from the Campus Sustainability Fund Water Bottles. +Download the Scavenger Hunt
12:30 - 2:30 PM Campus Clean Up - Help keep UW beautiful and get free prizes! +More on Facebook +Download Flier
1:00 PM - Volunteer at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture, Starbucks, UW Farm, UW Center for Urban
Horticulture, Seattle Youth Garden Works +More Information
2:15 PM Trashion Show
3:30 PM Seed Bombs & Swarm Traps at the Greenhouse, hosted by the UW Beekeeping
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Scholars' Studio: Pacific Northwest Research @ the Commons in Allen Library South,
Research Commons, Presentation Place, hosted by the UW Research Commons +Website
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Earth Day at the Arboretum, at the Washington Park Arboretum, Graham Visitor's Center, hosted by the Wilderness Awareness School +Website
12:00 PM - UW Women's Tennis "Green" Match vs. WSU, Seattle WA, “Go Purple, Be Gold & Green” shirt
give-aways, raffles, information and more +Website
Earth Day (Official Earth Day)
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Ecological Restoration Event at McCarty Hall, hosted by the UW Society for Ecological Restoration (UW SER) and the Campus Sustainability Fund (UWCSF) +More on Facebook
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Earth Day at UW Medical Center in the Surgical Pavilion +Download Flier
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EU Roadmap for Moving to a Competitive Low-Carbon Economy, Allen Library Room 485
hosted by the Center for West European Studies and the European Union Center of Excellence +Download Flier
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Recycled Clothing Fair in McMahon Pompeii Room, hosted by SEED +More on Facebook
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM UW Trash-In hosted by UW Recycling, Earth Club, Garbology and the Burke Museum +RSVP
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM UW Campus Market at the HUB Patio, hosted by the ASUW Student Health Consortium +More on Facebook +Download Flier
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Collaborating with Strangers on Sustainability Projects at UW hosted by UW
Libraries +Website
6:00 PM - Plastics in the Ocean - with Giora Proskurowski (UW Oceanography) at the Burke Museum +Website
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM UWMC Plaza Cafe Farmer's Market at the UW Medical Center Plaza Cafe
7:00 PM Meet the Scientists: A Discussion on Climate Change, Bagley Hall Room 131 hosted by SAGE, +More on Facebook
12:00 PM Picnic & Campus Nature Walk meet at Rainier Vista, hosted by UW Forest Club +More on Facebook
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pizza Bake at the UW Farm/Botany Greenhouse, hosted by the UW Farm
5:00 PM Land of the Lost Wolves Movie Showing Savery Hall room 137, hosted by the Wildlife Society +More on
6:30 - 8:00 PM A Humble Feast in the Southwest Dining Room of the HUB, hosted by UW Student Food
Cooperative +More on Facebook
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM Earth Week Story Program at Miller Library +Story Time
Julia K. Parrish
Julia K. Parrish is the Associate Dean of the College of the Environment at the University of Washington, where she holds a Professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, and in the Biology Department. She is the former Director of the Program on the Environment, and has helped start a wide range of environmental programs on campus including the Bevan Series on Sustainable Fisheries, the campus-wide seminar series Food: Eating Your Environment, the Marine Biology Program, and the proposed Food Studies Interdisciplinary Minor. Julia is also the Executive Director of one of the largest citizen science programs in the Pacific Northwest – the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST). She is a recipient of the NOAA Environmental Hero Award, the Conservation Award from the Seattle Aquarium Foundation, and the Science Award from the Seattle Audubon Society.
James Rasmussen
James is the current Coordinator of Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition / Technical Advisory Group. He has had a long background with environmental work on the Duwamish River. James is a current member of the Duwamish Tribe and has served on the tribal council for twenty-five years. He is a founding member of DRCC as well as founding member and past president of The Green Duwamish Watershed Alliance and a founding member of WRIA #9 that oversees all aspects of Listing of Coho Salmon as threatened in the Green Duwamish Watershed and putting together the WRIA #9 habitat plan. He has been working on the Duwamish River: creating habitat, identifying pollution sources, working with polluters and industry as well as the Port of Seattle, City of Seattle and King County, WA Dept. of Ecology and EPA along with community groups as well as tribes to clean up and create opportunities for a better Duwamish River.
Anne Mosness
After college, Anne Mosness began fishing in Alaska, appreciating the timeless cycles of nature and abundant wild salmon that have nourished coastal regions and people for thousands of year. Open pit mining, oil drilling, pipelines and other industrial activities threaten wild fish, and instead of offering protection, several agencies are instead promoting marine feedlots, production of nonnative species, and with impending FDA approval, genetically engineered salmon and other biotech livestock. The deadline for comments on GE salmon is April 26th, and the Yes on Initiative 522 campaign to label GMO/GE foods and fish is being launched. Anne will share her experiences as captain, environmental activist and sustainable food advocate, and actions we can take to protect coastal ecosystems and communities, and ensure our right to chose healthy foods.
6:00 AM - 10:00 AM - KEXP DJ John Richards with live performances by:
7:30 AM Jon Russell (The Head and the Heart), Damien Jurado and Tomo Nakayama (Grand Hallway)
9:00 AM Pollens
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - KEXP DJ Cheryl Waters with live performances by:
11:30 AM Kithkin
1:30 PM Dude York
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM KEXP DJ Kevin Cole with live performances by:
3:30 PM Kingdom Crumbs
5:30 PM Ravenna Woods
Student Groups
Campus Sustainability Fund +Website
We are a $330,000 green grant fund here on campus.
Earth Club +Website
The purpose of Earth Club is to plan and execute projects that encourage environmental stewardship on campus and in the UW community, including Earth Day. We also promote fellowship among UW students who care about the environment by holding events, volunteering in the community, participating in recreational outings, and hosting guest speakers to encourage education of environmental ideas and issues. Current Project: The creation of a University District Green Map, highlighting local and sustainable business.
EcoReps +Website
We encourage university students to live with the environment in mind by adopting green infrastructure and behaviors.
Husky Sustainable Storms +Website
Husky Sustainable Storms (or HSS), an initiative launched by students, faculty and staff of the University of Washington to mitigate stormwater runoff on-campus by designing and building a stormwater treatment structure that mimics ecological processes and reflects environmental values. Husky Sustainable Storms hopes to achieve this goal in the 2011-2012 academic-year by building a water treatment bioswale on-campus. Improves the quality of surface water flowing from the UW campus; Advance student engagement in stormwater design, implementation, and education; Provide a demonstration for UW engineering and transportation services in addressing stormwater issues.
RAPOI, Inc. +Website
RAPOI, Inc. is a company started by a University of Washington student that produces reusable lunch bags. Our goal is to reduce waste created by disposable sacks and encourage everyone to participate in sustainability! RAPOI bags make sustainability convenient and fun!
Sleeve Up! +Website
We are manufacturing reusable cotton coffee sleeves.
Student Association for Green Environments
Student Association for Green Environments (S.A.G.E.) is the student organization for the Program on the Environment. Over the past two years S.A.G.E. has brought together a community of Environmental Studies majors and minors to network, create 'green' events on campus, and to foster environmental stewardship. S.A.G.E. is very excited for Earth Week this year and would love for you to visit our booth to say hello.
Students Expressing Environmental Dedication (SEED) +Website
SEED works with Housing and Food Services to ensure sustainability in the residence halls. We teach residents how to compost and recycle, how to reduce waste, and how to reduce energy use.
The Wildlife Society - UW Chapter +Website
As an organization for the conservation and protection of wildlife, UWTWS understands the importance of sustainability and the protection of our planet.
UW Farm +Website
The UW Farm will improve the current campus food system by growing sustainably produced local food while reducing the UW's carbon footprint.
UW Solar +Website
We are an interdisciplinary team of students at the University of Washington in talks with the UW Housing and Food Services regarding the development of a solar installation with accompanying Industrial Control Systems on buildings at the UW campus. We also are engaged in providing effective outreach to students about the benefits of smart solar investments.
Washington Public Interest Research Group (WashPIRG) +Website
WashPIRG is dedicated to protecting the environment and advocating for sustainable policies that reduce society's negative environmental foot print. We strive to encourage individuals to think critically and find solutions to issues relating to the environment.
University Groups
Burke Museum +Website
We are currently exhibiting the Plastics Unwrapped exhibit, now through May 27. The exhibit explores how material culture was changed—rapidly and perhaps permanently—by plastics. It examines what life was like before plastics, how they are made, why they’re so convenient and beneficial to use, and what happens after we throw them away. The exhibit explores how plastics have changed the world, through topics ranging from life before plastics to the effects of plastic on our health and the environment. Come learn about the exhibit, and ways that make sense for you to reduce your environmental impact when it comes to plastics. Also check out objects from the Burke collections that aren't normally on display - you can even touch some of the objects we're bringing.
University of Washington College of the Environment +Website
Discovery is at the heart of our vision. Spanning the forests to the seas, from the depths of the earth to the edges of the solar system, the College is an unrivaled constellation of environmental research, education, and application. In partnership with industry, government, and non‐profits, we are committed to creating future leaders, steeped in basic science and critical thinking, and focused on developing sustainable solutions to the critical challenges of our time.
UW Community, Environment and Planning +Website
We are an interdisciplinary undergraduate major at UW that
focuses on community, environment and planning in many different contexts. Sustainability comes in many different forms, students in this major individualize their studies, many of which include sustainability and stewardship as major tenants to their educational and professional goals.
UW Creative Communications/Mailing Services +Website
In Mailing Services- a fleet of hybred electric trucks for deliveries. Also, ongoing efforts to reduce junk mail on campus, as well as inform campus users how to enroll in programs to remove their names from junk mail distribution. Overall in Creative Communications, promote efforts to use sustainable papers across campus.
UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability +Website
The UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability office promotes environmental sustainability by engaging and connecting members of the UW community.
UW Grounds Management +Website
Grounds Management is committed to working toward sustainability. Stop by our booth to learn about our ongoing initiatives.
UW Housing and Food Services +Website
Housing and Food Services will provide information on all aspects of their sustainability initiatives and programming.
UW Husky Grind +Website
The Husky Grind is an HFS operated business that sources the coffee green beans and works with a local roaster to roast the beans. This fall quarter, we will be roasting coffee on campus as part of an educational living learning opportunity for our residence hall students and the campus community.
UW Managed Print Services +Website
Managed Print Services has just launched on campus. A Lean team comprised of members from Procurement Services, Creative Communications, campus customers and our supplier, have been working to implement Managed Print which will have a huge impact on sustainability initiatives, including reducing # of surplus machines, reduction in toner cartridges, reduction in paper, reduction in energy use.
UW Recycling +Website
UW Recycling is committed to providing innovative recycling, composting and waste reduction solutions for the entire UW campus. Our focus this year has been on increasing public area composting and converting more and more buildings to MiniMax, the self-service deskside waste, recycling and compost collection system. Additionally, we coordinate several events and programs each year (i.e. RecycleMania, Trash-In and SCRAM) with the sole purpose of raising awareness about recycling and composting. Our goal is 70% waste diversion by 2020 and the only way we can get there is by continued education and outreach. Events like Earth Day provide us a platform to share our goal and our educational programs with students.
UW Surplus +Website
UW Surplus takes in over 50,000 items per year from all departments and medical centers with the chief goal of reselling or recycling the greatest percentage of what comes in. From office supplies to computers, lab equipment to vehicles, and furniture to architectural salvage--you can find it here. Celebrating our 10th year of the weekly Tuesday Public Store, we're proud to support the UW's commitment to sustainability while promoting our core values of reuse, repurpose, recycle.
UW Transportation Services +Website
We provide programs, events, and incentives to encourage people to walk, bike, take transit, and rideshare/carpool to campus and in their daily lives. Our efforts reduce drive-alone car trips, which leads to safer streets, cleaner air, greener economies, and more livable communities.
Off-Campus Organizations
Blazing Bagels +Website
Blazing Bagels are produced in Redmond, Washington using Shepherd's Grain flour. You can find their bagels in all of the food service operations on campus.
Blue C Sushi +Website
Blue C Sushi is our new sushi provider for the UW campus. The sushi is produced at their downtown Seattle location with the production facility moving to a new location close to the UW in the future. They source sustainable seafood for all of the sushi they provide us.
Brenthaven +Website
Brenthaven is committed to minimizing impact on our planet earth and creating sustainable MacBook Pro Cases, iPad Sleeves, and Kindle Covers. After an extensive certification process, Brenthaven was recently certified a B Corporation™. As a member of B Corp, Brenthaven joins 300 other sustainably-run businesses around the world who are using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.
Charlie's Produce +Website
Charlie's Produce is family owned. They support Northwest produce and fruit growers by sourcing from local growers and distributing to local restaurants and markets. The majority fo the produce offered for sale at the Pike Place Market comes from Charlie's.
Essential Baking Company +Website
Essential Baking Company produced all of the artisan organic breads for the UW as well as all natural pastries for our pastry cases. They are located in South Seattle and deliver product to us using biodiesel powered delivery vehicles.
Greenpeace +Website
Greenpeace is the world's leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.
Honest Tea +Website
Honest Tea is one of our organic certified beverages provided by Coca Cola. The product is bottled in Bellevue.
Krusteaz and Shepherd's Grain +Website
Shepherd's Grain is a Coop of family owned wheat farmers from Eastern Washington that use no till farming to grow their wheat. The wheat is milled in Spokane and arrives by rail in Seattle for distribution. Kruzteaz products ( bakery mixes, pancake mixes) are produced using Shepherd's Grain flour at the Continental Mills plant in South Seattle.
Medosweet Milk +Website
Antibiotic and Steroid free milk from milk cows located in the Enumclaw Plateau. The milk comes to the campus fresh. It takes just three days for the milk to be in our coolers on campus after the cows are milked.
Plesant Valley Farms
Pleasant Valley Farms is located in Mt. Vernon, Washington. They supply all of our pickles and saurekraut for the UW campus.
Theo Chocolate +Website
Theo Chocolate is Fair Trade and Organic certified and produced in the neighboring Fremont district. You can find Theo Chocolates in all of our Cafe's and Express Markets on campus.
URS Corporation +Website
URS' approach to sustainability is tailored to the specific needs of each of our operating units. The four sections of our sustainability report highlight URS' integrated appraoch to sustainability. Marketplace - Integrate sustainable solutions into our project work. Environment - Reduce the environmental impacts of our internal business operations. Workplace - Improve the safety, well-being, and satisfaction of our employees and partners. Community - Strengthen and enhance the communities where we work.
Wilcox Farms +Website
Wilcox Farms provides all of our cage free eggs for the UW campus. The eggs are humane certified as well as Salmon Safe certified. The farm is located at the foot of Mt. Rainier.
More to be determined
UW Earth Club
UW Campus Sustainability Fund
UW Recycling
UW Housing & Food Services
UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
We are no longer seeking volunteers for Earth Day 2013.
If you have questions or would like to be involved in this year's Earth Day Celebration, please contact Max Sugarman.