“Many of the world’s most pressing societal problems — including climate change, food insecurity and social inequities — are rooted in or related to challenges at the interface between food systems, nutrition and health. Meeting these challenges requires truly interdisciplinary mindsets and approaches."
Our goals
The UW Sustainability Action Plan calls for the UW to source 35% of our food from local sources by 2025. Focusing on local food sources means we are engaging with, investing in, and providing support to our local food systems while reducing the carbon footprint of our food. We are also working to promote more plant-based dining options, as raising meat has a much larger greenhouse gas impact than plant-based food sources.

What we're doing
- Sustainable dining options: The UW is one of about 45 colleges and universities participating in the Menus of Change University Research Collaborative, using evidence-based principles of health and sustainability with a special focus on choosing healthier oils, reducing added sugar, cutting salt and including more plant protein options.
- Purchasing local and organic: Housing & Food Services strives to purchase locally where possible, as well as adding organic and other sustainable options.
- Combating food insecurity: The UW Food Pantry provides food for members of the UW experiencing food insecurity. In the process, it prevents otherwise unconsumed food from going to waste and provides access to food from the UW farm. It is run by students and other UW volunteers and supported by HFS and Student Life.
- Growing on campus: The UW Farm is a student-powered urban farm and educational facility, giving students hands-on experience in growing produce. Much of the food grown on campus goes to Housing & Food Services for use in on-campus dining.
- Student advocacy: Student groups such as the ASUW Student Food Coop promote sustainable food systems. The Food Coop hosts the annual Humble Feast, featuring a plant-based dinner along with speakers and activities.
- Furthering access: The student-run Bean Basket provides low-cost, healthy bulk foods for students. They work to serve as a model for sustainable and ethical practices.

Academics & research
The UW Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Program is an interdisciplinary program in the UW School of Public Health.
The Food Systems Network at the UW is a collection of faculty who study food systems across disciplines and through different lenses including environmental, economic and social.