October 20-25, 2014
University of Washington
The 2014 SustainableUW Festival (sustainability.uw.edu/festival) will take place Oct. 20-25. The festival celebrates environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts at the University of Washington, highlighting contributions and leadership efforts across campus as well as providing opportunities for students, faculty and staff to get involved.
There are events happening across campus hosted by many Festival Partners throughout the week. For the full list, see the Festival Events page.
A central part of the festival will be the Sustainability Summit on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 – national Campus Sustainability Day. Events will include the fifth annual sustainable vendor exhibition in Red Square, speakers and other events led by the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability office. The Sustainability Summit will be the centerpiece of the larger Sustainable UW Festival incorporating sustainability events on campus all week.
The festival is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge among faculty, staff, and students, from across all departments and disciplines. People and departments across campus are encouraged to create their own events and programming in conjunction with the Sustainable UW Festival.
There are many opportunities to join in the celebration of sustainability. Contact us if you'd like to be part of the festival as an exhibitor, sponsor or event organizer.
For more information, email oess@uw.edu.
2014 SustainableUW Festival sponsors:
Rainier Sponsor
Olympics Sponsor
Foothills Sponsors
Puget Sound/Salish Sea Sponsors
Check out the past Sustainability Summit events: