Earth Day banner

The University of Washington will celebrate Earth Day with a large celebration on Red Square April 22, but there are events across the UW celebrating our planet and the environment during the entire Earth Week and beyond. Here is a sampling of some of the events happening around UW as part of the Earth Day celebration:

April 13

Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story

Alder Hall Auditorium
Could you survive on discarded food for six months? Find out what two filmmakers discovered when they did just that in order to bring attention to the astounding amount of food North America throws away. In honor of Earth Month, The Whole U is collaborating with UW Housing & Food Services and UW Recycling to present a screening of the award-winning documentary, “Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story.” Stick around after the screening to share your thoughts during an informal discussion. RSVP for the screening here.

April 14

UW Sustainability Green Bag with David Sundine

Herbold Innovation Lab, Dempsey Hall 211
We're thrilled to welcome David Sundine, Assistant Director for the UW undergraduate admissions office. He will be speaking about the offices’ new system for all digital submissions. By going all digital, David is helping foster the universities commitment to sustainability and helping to reduce paper on campus.

April 15

After Paris: Will Nations Actually Do Something about Global Climate Change?

Gowan Hall 1A (Olson Room), 12-1:30 p.m.
The Center for Environmental Politics presents a talk by David G. Victor, Professor of international relations and director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation at the University of California, San Diego. He is author of Global Warming Gridlock, which explains why the world hasn’t made much diplomatic progress on the problem of climate change while also exploring new strategies that would be more effective.

April 18

Environmental Stewardship Committee meeting

UW Tower T-22, 9 a.m.
The UW Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) provides recommendations for environmental policies at the University of Washington, and oversees progress towards meeting the goals of the UW Climate Action Plan. ESC Meetings are open to the public.

Earth Week Publication Workshop

Forest Club Room (Anderson Hall 207), 3 p.m.
The International Forestry Students Association is hosting a panel of UW faculty who will talk about the publishing process and the challenges gleaned from their cumulative years of boarding publishing councils and publishing.

UW Bothell film screening: "Racing Extinction"

Discovery Hall 162, 5:45 p.m.
Join the students of Conservation and Sustainable Development to watch and discuss the documentary that exposes the issues of endangered species and mass extinction.

UW Tacoma Earth Week Activity Booth

Prairie Line Trail, 12-2 p.m.
Hosted by UW Tacoma Sustainability. Learn more about the “UW Tacoma Green for Green Campaign,” a proposed campus sustainability fund; do the “Refill, Not Landfill” scavenger hunt, part of “Plastic Surgery,” the quarter-long single-use plastic bottle reduction campaign; pledge to reduce your use of single-use plastics and reserve your free limited-edition UW Tacoma water bottle, part of “Plastic Surgery"; try your luck with the “Race to Recycle” contest to sort trash from recyclables; screen-print t-shirts and coffee mugs with sustainability-themed art; get information on smart commuting to and from campus.

April 19

UW Sustainability faculty open house

Gerberding Hall, B40, 1-2 p.m.
All UW faculty members are invited to stop by the sustainability office for an informal meet and greet with UW Sustainability staff. Create connections and hopefully inspire collaboration. RSVP to

UW Farm volunteer hours

Mercer Court, 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to stop by and visit the Farm or volunteer during any Volunteer Hours. Never been to the UW Farm? Please begin by signing up to be a volunteer here. This helps us track volunteers and insures you in case of injury.

UW Surplus public store hours

4515 25th Ave NE, 12-6 p.m.
UW Surplus takes unwanted items from all UW departments and medical facilities. Their objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible by reselling them to the general public, to state agencies, to non-profits, and to other UW departments. This system helps divert usable items from the landfill into the hands of someone who will find use for those items. The UW Surplus store is open to the public every Tuesday afternoon.

"Everything is different now: Rockaway after the storm" film screening

Fisheries 102, 12:30 p.m.
"Everything is Different Now: Rockaway After the Storm," examines the aftereffects of Super Storm Sandy on Rockaway, an urban beach community located on the southeast edge of New York City. The film also explores the surprising response by the residents after the storm, and questions the love for beach in the time of global warming and rising sea levels, as the renewed attachment to home and land is shown in vivid detail. Filmmaker Jennifer Callahan will be at the viewing, and there will be a brief Q&A session following the screening. Hosted by the College of the Environment and School of Law.

Earth Week resume workshop

Forest Club Room (Anderson Hall 207), 5 p.m.
The International Forestry Students Association is hosting a panel on how to draft resumes and cover letters. Discussions on best writing practices, current employer hiring practices, and the interview process to be included.

UW Tacoma Earth Week Activity Booth

Prairie Line Trail, 12-2 p.m.
Hosted by UW Tacoma Sustainability. Learn more about the “UW Tacoma Green for Green Campaign,” a proposed campus sustainability fund; do the “Refill, Not Landfill” scavenger hunt, part of “Plastic Surgery,” the quarter-long single-use plastic bottle reduction campaign; pledge to reduce your use of single-use plastics and reserve your free limited-edition UW Tacoma water bottle, part of “Plastic Surgery"; try your luck with the “Race to Recycle” contest to sort trash from recyclables; screen-print t-shirts and coffee mugs with sustainability-themed art; get information on smart commuting to and from campus.

UW Bothell events:

Recology CleanScapes Presentation
Discovery Hall 061, 3:30 p.m.
Come learn how a company can be a leader in reducing our waste footprint.

"Racing Extinction" screening
Discovery Hall 061, 5:45 p.m.
Join the students of Ethics and the Environment to watch and discuss the documentary that exposes the issues of endangered species and mass extinction.

April 20

Presentations on Water

Gerberding Hall, 142 12pm-1pm
Two presenters will speak about ways to reduce bottled water use. Chrissy Cooley will address the social implications of plastic water bottles and Nancie Weston, founder of Grayl, will talk about how to travel sustainably.

UW Farm volunteer hours

Center for Urban Horticulture, 1 - 5 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to stop by and visit the Farm or volunteer during any Volunteer Hours. Never been to the UW Farm? Please begin by signing up to be a volunteer here. This helps us track volunteers and insures you in case of injury.

Earth Week Alumni Networking

Anderson Hall 22, 4 p.m.
The International Forestry Students Association is hosting UW Alumni who will talk to students on the challenges and success of finding gratifying work. Students will be given the ability to talk independently with Alumni to make connections and network for their future entry into the job market. Alcohol will be served.

The Wildlife Society

HUB 238, 5:30 p.m.
Bruce Thompson from the Washington State chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS) is coming to UW to speak with students interested in wildlife and wildlife studies. We will be discussing future TWS events, opportunities in wildlife work, and then we will have t-shirt decorating. There will be free pizza and lemonade.

EcoReps student group meeting

Smith Hall 311, 6:30 p.m.
EcoReps meets weekly to discuss and strategize green projects, and work toward executing green ideas on our campus. All students are welcome - stop by to learn more!

UW Tacoma Earth Week Activity Booth

Prairie Line Trail, 12-2 p.m.
Hosted by UW Tacoma Sustainability. Learn more about the “UW Tacoma Green for Green Campaign,” a proposed campus sustainability fund; do the “Refill, Not Landfill” scavenger hunt, part of “Plastic Surgery,” the quarter-long single-use plastic bottle reduction campaign; pledge to reduce your use of single-use plastics and reserve your free limited-edition UW Tacoma water bottle, part of “Plastic Surgery"; try your luck with the “Race to Recycle” contest to sort trash from recyclables; screen-print t-shirts and coffee mugs with sustainability-themed art; get information on smart commuting to and from campus.

UW Bothell events:

Earth Day Information Fair
Promenade by Discovery Hall, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Tables featuring: Community Transit, UWB Dining Services, Facility Services and Organic Lawn Care, City of Bothell, Friends of North Creek, UWB Campus Garden Working Group, SAgE Sammamish Valley Student Farm.

Wetland and Green Conservatory Tours
Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory, 11 a.m. & 1 p.m.
Join Professor Warren Gold and Kramer Canup – UWB Outdoor Wellness Leader - for a magical jaunt into the UWB/CC wetlands and to see all the great activity and potential of the Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory.

All About the UWB Environmental Programs
Discovery Hall 369, 3:30 p.m.
Learn about the plans to revise the UW Bothell's Environmental Studies and Environmental Science degrees, as well as create a new Earth System Science major.

April 21

Getting Around Puget Sound

HUB 214, 12:05-12:55 p.m.
You’re invited to attend Getting Around Puget Sound, an information-packed forum featuring Seattle’s own Transportation Choices Coalition and UW Transportation Services. You’ll hear the latest on topics including the future of transportation in Puget Sound, link light rail, and UW commuter choices. Be one of the first 25 guests at the door and receive a complimentary water bottle from EarthShare Washington. Enter to win fun door prizes and enjoy light refreshments. The event is free, but registration is required. Open to all faculty, staff, and students.

UW Mindfulness Project Earth Day Meditation

HUB 340, 11:50 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
This Earth Day-themed meditation session is open to all students.

Sustainability Careers Meet and Greet

Gould Court, 3:30-5 p.m.
Come learn about real world sustainability careers in companies, nonprofits, and government agencies. Our guests for this meet and greet include Susan Long from Starbucks, Viccy Salazar from the EPA and Katelyn Kinn from Puget Soundkeeper Alliance. The speakers will give short presentations on sustainability in their organizations and then briefly outline their individual career paths to their current positions. Following the presentations, attendees will break up into three smaller groups to discuss careers with the presenters. To learn more about our Sustainability Careers Meet & Green events, watch this UWTV video on the 2015 Sustainability Careers Meet & Greet and SustainableUW Festival.

Pricing Pollution: Washington State’s Carbon Tax

Johnson Hall 175, 7 p.m.
Learn about the most ambitious plan to cut carbon pollution ever proposed in any state. This November voters will decide whether to enact the first carbon tax in the nation right here in Washington. Why tax pollution? How will it work?  Why now? Students will get a chance to ask these questions and be presented with opportunities to get involved in this cutting edge solution to the planets most impeding crises: climate change.

Sustaining Our World lecture: "Witness Tree - My year with a single, 100-year old oak"

Johnson Hall 102, 6 p.m.
 Lynda V. Mapes, author and environmental reporter for the Seattle Times, will show slides from her year exploring the human and natural history of a single, 100-year old red oak tree at the Harvard Forest in Petersham, Mass., and read from her book Witness Tree, forthcoming from Bloomsbury Publishing. RSVP required.

UW Farm volunteer hours

Mercer Court, 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to stop by and visit the Farm or volunteer during any Volunteer Hours. Never been to the UW Farm? Please begin by signing up to be a volunteer here. This helps us track volunteers and insures you in case of injury.

UW Tacoma Earth Week Activity Booth

Prairie Line Trail, 12-2 p.m.
Hosted by UW Tacoma Sustainability. Learn more about the “UW Tacoma Green for Green Campaign,” a proposed campus sustainability fund; do the “Refill, Not Landfill” scavenger hunt, part of “Plastic Surgery,” the quarter-long single-use plastic bottle reduction campaign; pledge to reduce your use of single-use plastics and reserve your free limited-edition UW Tacoma water bottle, part of “Plastic Surgery"; try your luck with the “Race to Recycle” contest to sort trash from recyclables; screen-print t-shirts and coffee mugs with sustainability-themed art; get information on smart commuting to and from campus.

UW Bothell events:

Earth Day Information Fair
Mobius Hall, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fun activities and tables featuring: new triple bins (recycling, landfill, and compost bins) constructed by Cascadia engineering students; sustainability related student and community groups; free electronics recycling; and It’s Not Dirt! with Midori Sakura.

Becoming a Citizen Activist
Mobius Hall, 12 p.m.
Hear and interact with Nick Licata, author of "Becoming a Citizen Activist."

Vegetable Planting in the Food Forest
Food Forest by the library, 12-3:30 p.m.
Join our Facility Services crew and do something with a concrete, positive, and tasty impact.

Campus Sustainability Tours
Mobius Hall, 1 p.m. & 3 p.m.
View the campus through the lens of sustainability with the Cascadia College students of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Sustainable Practices.

At the Intersection: Environmental Education and Social Justice
Mobius Hall, 2 p.m.
A panel discussion and workshop hosted by Cindy Thomashaw and graduate students of Islandwood’s Urban Environmental Education program.

Annual Garbage Sort
Lawn between UW1 and UW2, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Join the Introduction to Sustainable Practices class in sifting through the landfill waste stream collected from UWB and CC? What’s in there? How much can be recycled and composted?

April 22

UW Earth Day Celebration on Red Square, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Red Square is the site of UW's central Earth Day festivities, including exhibitors, music, speakers and the Husky Green Award presentations. Find full details at our Earth Day pageThe Husky Green Award presentation will begin at 1 p.m.

Earth Day Ivy Pull

Outside the southwest end of the HUB, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Join the Society for Ecological Restoration-UW Chapter (SER-UW) and the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) for our 3rd annual Earth Day Ivy Pull! This year we will be working behind the bike shelter at the SW end of the HUB. Tools and snacks will be provided, so just make sure to arrive in clothes and shoes that can get dirty.

Huskies Kick Butts

Meet at the HUB, 12-4 p.m.
The Tobacco Action Group (TAG), UW American Lung Association (ALA), and Students Expressing Environmental Dedication (SEED) are hosting Huskies Kick Butts, a campus-wide cigarette butt cleanup that will raise awareness of the tobacco industry's impact on climate change and the need for UW to adopt a tobacco-free campus policy. At last year's event, 50 participants collected approximately 8,000 cigarette butts. Participants for this year's event are encouraged to form teams, and should individually register here.

"Kombit" movie screening

Anderson Hall 227, 4 p.m.
Join the International Forestry Students Association for a screening of “KOMBIT: The Cooperative,” a feature documentary film chronicling a five-year project to reforest Haiti, in partnership with the Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA), a Haitian nonprofit farmer cooperative dedicated to feeding and reforesting the country. Haiti's internally displaced people start a micro-garden movement to combat post-earthquake hunger and despair.

Global Sustainability Case Competition finals

Dempsey Hall 102, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
ReThink and GC3 are teaming up to host UW's first annual Global Sustainability Case Competition! Interdisciplinary teams of four students will compete to solve a real-life business problem with an environmentally sustainable solution. This case comp is great for first-timers, a great resume builder, and great experience overall. The competition finals will be open to the public in Dempsey 102 from 1:30-3:30 p.m., but space is limited.

UW Farm pizza bake

UW Farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture, 4-7 p.m.
The UW Farm, Food Co-op and Husky Real Food Challenge will host a Pizza Bake at the UW Farm's Center for Urban Horticulture location. We encourage anyone to come on down that wants to hang out, enjoy the weather, and eat pizza! Throughout the evening, we will offer tours of the Farm, activities, information tables, and music. We encourage everyone to bring an instrument if they want to join in on the fun and jam.
We will be providing dough, sauce, and some toppings harvested right out of the farm. Please bring a pizza topping to share with others or make a suggested donation of $4 to help us cover costs.

"Tapped" movie screening

Miller Hall 301, 5:30 p.m.
UW Earth Club is hosting this documentary screening on the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil. Bring your friends and check out it out for free.

"Have you seen the Arana?" movie screening

HUB 334, 5 p.m.
Celebrate Earth Day with the Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS) at a free screening of this important film exploring the effects of rapidly changing landscapes on lives and livelihoods. Sit back, snack on movie snacks, and enjoy this documentary!

UW Baseball green game

Husky Ballpark, 5 p.m.
As part of UW's Earth Day celebration come to the UW Baseball team’s green game, and learn more about the UW Athletic department’s sustainability goals and accomplishments while cheering on the Huskies against St. Mary’s University.

Supply Chains, Human Rights & Health: 2016 Human Trafficking Conference

UW wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Keynote Speaker at Kane Hall, 7 p.m.
This conference will examine the intersection between human trafficking, trade and business, and global health. Register here.

UW Farm volunteer hours

McMahon Terrace, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Center for Urban Horticulture 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to stop by and visit the Farm or volunteer during any Volunteer Hours. Never been to the UW Farm? Please begin by signing up to be a volunteer here. This helps us track volunteers and insures you in case of injury.

UW Tacoma events:

Earth Week Activity Booth
Prairie Line Trail, 12-2 p.m.
Hosted by UW Tacoma Sustainability. Learn more about the “UW Tacoma Green for Green Campaign,” a proposed campus sustainability fund; do the “Refill, Not Landfill” scavenger hunt, part of “Plastic Surgery,” the quarter-long single-use plastic bottle reduction campaign; pledge to reduce your use of single-use plastics and reserve your free limited-edition UW Tacoma water bottle, part of “Plastic Surgery"; try your luck with the “Race to Recycle” contest to sort trash from recyclables; screen-print t-shirts and coffee mugs with sustainability-themed art; get information on smart commuting to and from campus.

Commerce Plaza, 12:30 p.m.
Learn basics of potting and transplanting and come away with your very own plant for company, conversation and oxygen therapy! Hosted by Student Activities Board.

UW Bothell events:

Tree planting
Bike path by the boardwalk, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Earth Day Network’s theme for this year is Trees for the Earth. Join our Facility Services crew and the student Outdoor Wellness Leaders to do something with a concrete, positive impact. Students will be given a free picnic lunch ticket if they plant a tree!

Earth Day fun fair
Sports fields, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Join the Outdoor Wellness Leaders in celebrating Earth Day with art projects, lawn games, the making of seed bombs and eggshell seed starters, as well as a picnic featuring locally-produced food from 21 Acres.

April 23

Earth Day Work Party at Washington Park Arboretum

UW Botanic Gardens is partnering with the Student Conservation Association to host a work party at the Washington Park Arboretum in celebration of Earth Day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Individuals and groups from UW are invited to join us for this opportunity to dig in and help support the health of our planet. Come get your hands dirty and celebrate Earth Day with us - free lunch and t-shirts for the first 400 volunteers to register! Register now.

UW Farm volunteer hours

Center for Urban Horticulture, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to stop by and visit the Farm or volunteer during any Volunteer Hours. Never been to the UW Farm? Please begin by signing up to be a volunteer here. This helps us track volunteers and insures you in case of injury.

Yesler Swamp restoration work party

Yesler Swamp in the Union Bay Natural Area, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The Yesler Swamp Project is partnering with the U.W. Campus Ministry for a restoration work party, removing invasive blackberry and English Ivy in addition to planting native species. Please RSVP to

UW Tacoma events:

Giving Garden Spring Planting
UW Tacoma Giving Garden, corner Fawcett & 21st Sts., 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Contribute your labor to sow the seeds of another sustainable harvest that will benefit area food banks.

Hemp Wall Construction
SHED: Sustainable Hub for Education & Demonstration, UW Tacoma Giving Garden, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Get your hands dirty with internationally recognized hemp advocates Joy Beckerman and Matt Ecklund. They will teach a free all-day clinic about the history and advantages of industrial hemp, and will provide a hands-on opportunity to build with hemp, completing the final wall of the SHED, the Garden’s new Sustainable Hub for Education & Demonstration. For more information on the SHED, read Clover Park Technical College’s “Sustainability in the Community.”

April 24

Mountain Meetup

bus from the Burke Museum to Mount Rainier, 9 a.m.
Join other "20-30 somethings" for a day of snow, sun (hopefully) and general mountain fun at Paradise in Mount Rainier National Park. Event is free of charge (including park entrance). Meet at 9 a.m. at the Burke Museum for a free bus to the Meetup. First come, first-served (90 seats). At the mountain, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. you'll have a chance to snowshoe, learn mountain skills, and enjoy fun activities like lawn games and a scavenger hunt. Dress for snow - wear layers and bring rain gear. Bring a lunch or plan to buy one in the visitor center. This is a safe and sober event.


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The full Sustainability Events calendar is below.