The student housing at Mercer Court includes a number of sustainability projects (like the UW Solar project on the roof). One feature takes advantage of Seattle's rain to help make doing laundry more environmentally friendly:

Category: Buildings & Grounds | Water
Tags: Videos | HFS | Mercer Court | rainwater

A new exhibit at the Nordic Heritage Museum titled Imaging the Acrtic showcases a collaboration between UW polar researcher Kristin Laidre and watercolor artist Maria Coryell-Martin as a unique way to communicate climate science.

Kristin Laidre, a scientist at the UW Applied Physics Laboratory Polar Science Center and the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences,...

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Category: Academics | Climate Change | Environment | Fisheries | Research
Tags: Art | Kristin Laidre | KUOW | Maria Coryell-Martin | Nordic Heritage Museum | OPB | Applied Physics Laboratory | Aquatic of Fishery Sciences | Arctic | A World of Good

The University of Washington was a proud sponsor and participant of the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education's annual conference held in Portland, Oregon, at the end of October. Dozens of representatives from across the University attended the conference, including UW’s Associate Vice President Ruth Johnston who serves as a board member for AASHE, UW professors and academic directors, and staff members from UW Recycling, Housing & Food Services, and Environmental Stewardship &...

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Category: Events
Tags: AASHE | conference | posters | Green Labs

Finding the answer to the age-old question: are electric vehicles better than diesel?

If questions like this that deal with the environment and sustainability interest you, then create a proposal and apply to the Green Seed Fund!  Awarded $32,170, one group from last year’s funding cycle is working with the University of Washington Botanic Gardens to research electric and biodiesel utility vehicles. Using surveys to measure the use and opinions of the vehicles by staff and an opacity meter to measure the pollution from...

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Category: Green Seed Fund
Tags: grant fund | grounds | alternative fuels | GSF14

A research team is using a Green Seed Fund grant to test whether or not the indoor climate control system in the University of Washington student union building (HUB) is helping it save energy.

The Green Seed Fund awarded the group $75,410 last year, giving them the means to purchase a wide range of monitoring equipment. By attaching the devices to vertical rods, the group could record data such as air temperature, air velocity, and humidity from the ground to the ceiling. With this set up, the group proceeded to test the LEED-certified HUB building’s ability to regulate the indoor...

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Category: Buildings & Grounds | Green Seed Fund
Tags: GSF14 | The HUB

If you're thinking of applying for a Green Seed Fund grant to help launch a research project on campus sustainability, act fast. The funding deadline for this year is Dec. 11 at 5 p.m.

The Green Seed Fund aims to promote and fund research projects that advance sustainable research while contributing to the university’s sustainability goals. The fund was launched in 2013, and in its inaugural year 15 proposals totaling nearly $1 million were submitted. From that pool, proposals were selected and awarded nearly $279,000...

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Category: Green Seed Fund
Tags: grant fund

UW Research Associate Colleen Burge is quoted in a November 2014 Seattle Times article on the connection between climate change and ocean disease outbreaks in sea life. In the article As climate warms, more outbreaks of disease for sea life, journalist Craig Welch explores how rising sea temperatures may affect disease susceptibility and transmission in sea life ranging from dolphins and sea stars to coral, eelgrass, and seals. Burge is quoted several times on the challenges and complexity of...

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Category: Academics | Climate Change | Environment | Fisheries | Research | Water
Tags: Colleen Burge | Seattle Times | Ocean Acidification | Sea Life | Sea Stars | Wasting Disease | Withering Syndrome | Black Abalone | Oysters | SGS | Sean Notes

A new book by John Marzluff, UW Professor of Environmental and Forest Sciences is promising to get lots of people chirping. Welcome to Subirdia: Sharing our Neighborhoods with Wrens, Robins, Woodpeckers, and Other Wildlife tells the story of the rich divesity of birds and other wildlife in our own back yards and how we can be better neighbors to them. A great read for the fall.


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Category: Environment | Forestry | Gardens & Farms
Tags: John Marzluff | UW Authors | SEFS | Birds | Conservation | Suburbia | New Books | Biodiversity | Urban Ecology | SGS | Sean Notes

The UW Farm blog this week features a post from one of its current student volunteers on what the UW Farm means to her.

Junior Kate Doughty lists the ways working with the UW Farm has made her happier and healthier, as well as nuturing a love of working in the dirt and watching as seeds grow into plants and food.

Category: Gardens & Farms
Tags: UW Farm | students | student groups

UW News & Information recently reported on a new NOAA online tool, the IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) Pacific Region Ocean Acidification Data Portal, that helps researchers and the fishing industry track ocean acidification in local waters and the open ocean. Developed in collaboraiton with several UW researches (including Jan Newton, Emilio Mayorga, and Troy Tanner) and researchers from other universities (including UW Alum Burke Hales, now at OSU), the new tool promises to help many and diverse stakeholders, especially the shellfish...

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Category: Academics | Climate Change | Environment | Fisheries | Research | Technology | Water
Tags: UWNI | NOAA | Shellfish | Ocean Acidification | Jan Newton | Emilo Mayorga | Troy Tanner | Burke Hales | OSU | Alumni in Action | A World of Good | Solving Grand Challenges | Research to Practice | Academics and Industry | Sean Notes