If you are moving out of an HFS residence hall or apartment, you can donate certain items through the UW’s SCRAM (Student Cleanup, Recycle and Moveout) event. Donations will go to various local organizations including the University District Food Bank, Northwest Center and DESC. The event runs from June 3 – 8, 2024. Only HFS residents can donate during SCRAM.
Accepted donation items:
- Clothing
- Unopened shelf-stable canned or boxed food
- Hygiene & cleaning supplies
- Red emergency backpacks
- If it is your last year living with HFS, please consider donating your emergency kit.
- If you plan to return to an HFS community, keep your emergency kit and bring it with you when you return.
Donation space is limited. Items accepted for donation will go to local non-profits. The rest will be disposed of or sent to UW Surplus. If you can take your items with you, please do!
SCRAM donation sites
SCRAM donation sites are only in the below locations. If there isn’t a donation station in your residence hall, bring your items to a nearby location.
North Campus | West Campus |
McMahon Hall Lobby Oak Hall Denny Room |
Alder Hall Commons Maple Hall Great Room Mercer Court Building A Great Room Poplar Hall 104 Resource Area |
Donation sites are drop-off only. Please do not touch or move other donations.
UW Recycling and UW Housing & Food Services organize the annual SCRAM event. If students have questions, please contact your Community Manager.