On May 19-21 EcoReps hosted the annual Green Greek Competition, a contest aimed at educating the Greek Community about sustainability and helping chapters go green. The EcoReps group set up tables on the median of 17th Avenue with activities designed to promote sustainable behaviors within the community. During the three days Greek members could participate in games such as a minute-to-win-it waste sorting challenge, trivia, and recycling basketball. Participation earned chapters and individuals points during the three-day competition, while the games also tested the community on their...

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Category: Student Organizations
Tags: EcoReps | Green Greek

A refined Chevy Malibu sits in the far corner of the UW EcoCAR lab as a reminder of UW’s second place finish last year in the three-year automotive engineering EcoCAR2 competition sponsored by General Motors.

The EcoCAR group is hoping to match that success in the current EcoCAR3 competition, a four-year process to redesign a Chevrolet Camaro to be as energy efficient as possible while keeping its performance.

Teams participate in yearly competitions to show of their designs and test their cars. This year...

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Category: Transportation | Student Organizations
Tags: EcoCAR

By Tiffany Loh
This post was originally published on the Campus Sustainability Fund site.

Earlier this year, the CSF awarded a grand total of $105,367 to 6 projects in the first round of funding for 2015. One of the projects proposed innovative adjustments that would optimize the use of a gift Mother Nature likes to shower upon Seattle: rainwater. 

CSF spoke to Amy Kim, Assistant Professor in Civil & Environmental...

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Category: Buildings & Grounds | Campus Sustainability Fund | Water
Tags: CSF15 | rainwater | More Hall

Meetings are a way of life at the University of Washington. Informational meetings, brainstorming sessions, presentations, planning meetings, staff huddles… the list goes on.

Meeting etiquette can be strongly ingrained into your office culture, but some UW offices are transforming the way meetings are conducted – whether it’s reducing paper use or introducing a new video conferencing system to eliminate unnecessary office trips.

The UW Green Office Certification Program sets sustainability standards for UW workplaces, encouraging staff members to practice energy and paper...

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Category: Green Certifications
Tags: Green Office | meetings | Suzanne Zitzer | Matt Orefice | Henrietta Cottingham

Welcome to Spring Quarter Week Nine!

Many of the week's highlights in sustainability events are below, and you can find out even more things happening on campus this week on our full calendar. If you know of any events which should be added, let us know. If you'd like to get a weekly email of all the upcoming sustainability events, subscribe here. And we are always adding new events as we learn about them, so see all the details and any last-minute additions on the full ...

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Category: Events
Tags: Weekly Events

Don’t know what to do with your old or damaged clothes? Don't throw them away - many thrift stores, dropboxes and other locations in the area will take them and reuse or recycle them, reducing waste in the landfill.

It doesn't matter if the clothes are ripped, stained, or otherwise damaged - find the nearest donation location instead of putting them in the trash.

The average person throws away 70 pounds of clothing per year, according to the EPA. With...

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Category: Recycling, Compost & Waste
Tags: Threadcycle | clothes

Graduation is just around the corner, which means it’s time for UW Recycling to gear up for two annual waste diversion events: Students Cleanup, Recycle and Moveout (SCRAM) and Husky Neighborhood Cleanup. Both programs capture unwanted items from thousands of students as they move out of residence halls and the north campus community that is home to Greek Row.


June 8-12, 2015

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Category: Events | Recycling, Compost & Waste | Residence Halls
Tags: UW Recycling | graduation | SCRAM | Husky Neighborhood Cleanup

Students: Are you interested in sustainable science and engineering? Do you want to network with professionals in this field? If so, please help launch the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) UW Student Chapter on Wednesday, May 20, from 5-6 p.m. in Allen Research Commons Room Red C.

This will be the very first student chapter of I2SL in the world, and it needs a strong group of undergraduate and graduate...

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Category: Student Organizations
Tags: I2SL

The UW Program on the Environment Sustainability Studio class has been investigating the University of Washington's environmental history this quarter, and the students are going to share their findings with a campus walking tour on Thursday, May 28.

The tour will highlight some of UW's iconic and hidden environmental history hotspots, as it looks at how the university's past and present challenge and inspire the UW's sustainability goals.

The tour will start at Drumheller Fountain at 11:45 a.m., and is open to all UW students, faculty and staff....

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Category: Events
Tags: Sustainability Studio | Program on the Environment

If you want to enjoy fresh, campus-grown produce all summer long, sign up for a UW Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share!

CSA works like a cooperative, where customers buy a share of the season’s produce and receive a weekly selection. The UW Farm introduced a CSA last summer, and this year the program is expanding. However, space is still limited, so don't wait to sign up. All produce is grown by the UW Farm, which allows students a chance to learn about urban agriculture...

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Category: Food | Gardens & Farms | Student Organizations
Tags: UW Farm | CSA