A group of UW oceanography students recently spent 10 days aboard UW’s large research vessel, the Thomas G. Thompson, to conduct research for their senior thesis projects. The 24 students traveled to Nootka Sound off the west coast of Vancouver Island and blogged about their daily experiences.

During the trip, shifts...

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Category: Research | Water
Tags: oceanography | research | trip

The University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences wants to know: What does climate change mean to you? Show your vision with a short three-minute video, and you could win a $5,000 prize!

The SEFS contest is open to all high school and undergraduate college students in the state of Washington. Videos can be up to 3 minutes long, and can be in any format you choose: Claymation, music video, film noir mystery, ballet, stand-up comedy routine, rock opera, documentary...and everything else in between.

Prizes will be awarded in high school and undergraduate...

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Category: Awards & Recognition | Climate Change | Events
Tags: contest | Videos | SEFS

Image credit: TNT: Jeffrey P. Mayor

In December 2014, reporters from The News Tribune and The Olympian teamed up to explore the impact of climate change on Mount Rainier in a nine-part online multimedia report titled, "Losing paradise: climate change is changing Mount Rainier." In the extensive and multi-faceted report, the research of many students and faculty from multiple universities is highlighted, including several UW students, faculty, and staff (...

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Category: Academics | Climate Change | Environment | Fisheries | Food | Forestry | Research | Water
Tags: Biodiversity | Cliff Mass | Climate Adaptation | Climate Science | Craig Thomas | Elli Theobald | Habitat Loss | Maureen Ryan | News Tribune | Olympian | Press | Press: Professors | Press: Researchers | Tourism | SGS | Sean Notes

This year UW Tacoma gained a new centerpiece designed to connect the campus with and enhance the surrounding urban environment. The Prairie Line Trail provides a new path to walk and bike through campus, and also creates a new common space for the UW Tacoma community.

UWTV's latest episode of UW 360 takes a look at the trail, exploring the history of Tacoma and the railroad line that formerly occupied the space which is now the Prairie Line Trail.



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Category: Buildings & Grounds
Tags: UW Tacoma | Prairie Line Trail | UWTV

UW staffer placing "Compost paper towels" stickerThe University of Washington has been awarded the 2014 Grand Award for Higher Education in the Green Cleaning Awards by American School & University magazine. This is the third time the UW has been honored with a Green Cleaning Award - the university also won the Grand Award in 2007 and a Co-Grand Award along with the University of Georgia in 2010.

The magazine cited ...

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Category: Awards & Recognition

Season's Greetings from Sqwatch and the team at UW Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability!

Two different projects from members of the UW community are using crowdfunding to help make sustainable ideas a reality.

One team of former UW students is using Kickstarter to produce an environmentally friendly trekking pole. The company they formed, Uphill Designs, claims their bamboo trekking pole is not only made from sustainable materials, but it also stronger and more resilient than aluminum. With just a couple days to go, the...

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Category: Research | Technology | Water
Tags: crowdfunding | research | Kickstarter | experiment

The work of Kevin Wood, research scientist with the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO), was recently highlighted in a Reuters video, Old ship records to shed light on Arctic ice loss. Wood, in partneship with many other researchers and agencies, launched the Old Weather project to utizlize citizen scientists in exploring historical weather data from a wide variety of sources. The information provides...

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Category: Academics | Climate Change | Environment | Research
Tags: Kevin Wood | JISAO | Reuters | Videos | Climate Science | Citizen Science | A World of Good | SGS | Sean Notes

Amy Snover, UW climate researcher, Director of the UW Climate Impacts Group, and Assistant Dean for Applied Research in the College of the Environment was interviewed by KING 5 reporter Michael Konopasek in December 2014 on what Governor Jay Inslee should consider as he develops policy around future climate change. Specifically, Snover points to that communities and businesses need to understand what to expect as climate changes in...

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Category: Academics | Climate Change | Environment | Environmental Health | Fisheries | Food | Forestry | Research | Water
Tags: Amy Snover | Business | Climate Impacts Group | Governor Jay Inslee | KING5 | Videos | Sean Notes

The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at University of Washington (DDCSP@UW) is looking for 25 freshmen and sophomores to participate in an eight week immersion course this summer. The goal of the multi-year conservation immersion program is to broaden participation within conservation, and diversify what it means to be a "conservation professional."

Category: Academics
Tags: Conservation Scholars | Diversity | College of the Environment