Sean Notes | News Tribune & Olympian - Losing paradise: climate change is changing Mount Rainier

Image credit: TNT: Jeffrey P. Mayor
the UW Sustainability blog
Image credit: TNT: Jeffrey P. Mayor
A new book by John Marzluff, UW Professor of Environmental and Forest Sciences is promising to get lots of people chirping. Welcome to Subirdia: Sharing our Neighborhoods with Wrens, Robins, Woodpeckers, and Other Wildlife tells the story of the rich divesity of birds and other wildlife in our own back yards and how we can be better neighbors to them. A great read for the fall.
Seattle Times higher education reporter Katherine Long recenty covered an innovative project at UW aimed at diversifying the conservation workforce. Housed in the College of the Environment and directed by Dr. Sean Watts, the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program is a conservation immersion program that aims to broaden participation within conservation and diversify what it means to be a conservation professional.