Ever wondered what benefits a green wall adds to a building? Could electric or diesel vehicles support the rugged nature of the Grounds crew’s work? Green Seed Fund teams funded in 2013-14 will hold a poster session on June 2 to share the results of their research, which took a look at these questions and more.

Teams have been working for over a year, examining how users interact with the buildings they study and work in; taking a look at indoor environment quality at the HUB; rating the carbon footprint of UW Grounds utility vehicles; studying the...

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Category: Events | Green Seed Fund
Tags: Green Seed Fund | poster session | GSF14

Welcome to Spring Quarter Week Eight!

There are a lot of big student events happening this week. Monday night, join the ASUW Student Food Cooperative for the Humble Feast 5.0, an "all-you-care-to-eat" local and seasonal dinner. Tuesday is the first UW Resilience Summit, hosted by ReThink and EcoReps. And Wednesday is this year's Conservation Catwalk...

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Category: Events
Tags: Weekly Events

Dr. Linda Steg, an environmental psychologist and a respected scholar, author and professor at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, will discuss "How to inspire people to engage in pro-environmental actions" on May 26 at Alder Hall.

The lecture will touch on what values are likely to promote pro-environmental actions, and how to activate values that increase the liklihood of sustainable choices. The evening will begin with a reception at 5 p.m. and the talk will begin at 6 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public, thanks to sponsorship from the UW College of...

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Category: Events | Campus Sustainability Fund
Tags: behavior change | lecture | Dr. Linda Steg

For this year's Sustaining Our World Lecture, the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS) presented a talk by Molly Steinwalk, the executive director of the Environmental Learning Center in Florida.

Molly Steinwald draws from her experiences with youth education and engagement, as well as explores some of the barriers that stand in the way when promoting behavior change in a broader population. She stresses the importance of...

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Category: Environmental Health | Events
Tags: Videos | SEFS | Sustaining Our World

Hanging in Poplar Hall is a Lucid Energy Dashboard to remind students how much energy and water they are using. This same dashboard hangs in all the West Campus dorms, something one student group is very proud of. 

The dashboards allow students to see how their building is performing compared to the others, which encourages conservation. The displays are one reminder of a larger sustainability culture in the residence halls, a culture Students Expressing Environmental Dedication (SEED) is working to encourage.

“We want to push students to make changes in their lives,” said...

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Category: Student Organizations
Tags: SEED | residence halls

Welcome to Week 7 of Spring quarter!

Now that midterms are over, use your free time to join us for another week filled with sustainability-related events. Here are some of the highlights - for more information about these events or to find out what other sustainability events are happening on campus this week check out our full calendar. If you know of any events, which should be added, let us know.

If you'd like to get a weekly email of all the upcoming sustainability events,...

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Category: Events
Tags: Weekly Events

This post was originally published in the UW Green Labs newsletter. Each quarter, the newsletter covers a topic on how labs can improve their scores in one category covered by the UW Green Laboratory Certification Application (opens in a new tab).

Read the rest of this quarter's newsletter and subscribe to future UW Green Labs mailings.

Fieldwork and Work-Related Travel

To “green” your travel, minimize...

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Category: Green Certifications | Transportation
Tags: Green Labs

May is Bike Month, and UW Transportation Services wants to give you the tools to be a better-informed cyclist on the road. Whether you're looking to start riding for the first time, are looking for some extra pointers on how to ride in traffic, or want to learn how to fix your own flat tires, there's a class for you this month.

It starts this Wednesday, May 6, with "Bike Commuting 101: Getting...

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Category: Transportation
Tags: Bike Month | classes | biking

Photo: (Left) Co-creator of ReThink Will Fantle and (Right) Vice President Gracie Dahl

A trip to Israel sparked a UW student's dream to leave a mark on the environment.

"There was a full moon, a massive brilliant orb, and stars everywhere,” said Will Fantle, co-creator of ReThink, a UW club focused on business sustainability. “They took us out in silence and told us to go find a spot in the desert. We sat out there for what felt like hours. I just lay there looking up at the stars thinking about what I wanted to do with my life."

As part of Birthright, a...

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Category: Events | Campus Sustainability Fund | Student Organizations
Tags: ReThink | Resilience Summit

Clean Energy Institute (CEI) Graduate Fellow Jenny Stein wants to pass on her love for discovery and applied research to high school students interested in STEM careers.

CEI chronicles Stein’s experiences mentoring students’ part of the STEM OUT program at TAF Academy in South Seattle. The program is run through UW’s Institute for Science...

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