The SustainableUW Festival is kicking off with a full day of events! Check out Monday's highlights below - for more information and the full calendar of events during this festival week, visit sustainability.uw.edu/festival/events.
Today's big event is the Huskies for Humanity panel hosted by the Department of Global Health - "Changing Global Health Ecosystems: Humans, Animals, and the Environment" in Kane Hall's Walker-Ames Room at 3:30 p.m. Panelists will discuss local community impacts in Kenya, Zika transmission and mosquito populations in the Americas, as well as the work of the Center for One Health at the University of Washington, followed by a light reception.
Students who have ideas for environmental projects on campus should join the Campus Sustainability Fund's Brainstorming Mixer at 5 p.m. in Odegaard ALC 136. The first half of the event will be a mixer in which interested students can talk with project leads working on recently funded CSF projects. The second half will be a brainstorming session in which interested students and current project leads will work together on developing CSF grant ideas.
If you'd rather dig in and volunteer, the Society for Ecological Restoration is holding a work party at the Center for Urban Horticulture cleaning native seeds which will be sown on campus from 6:30-8 p.m.
Other events include:
The College of the Environment is hosting two information sessions - for current students at 3 p.m and prospective students at 4 p.m. in Alder 107 - to give an overview of the various majors and minors offered in the College of the Environment. Also learn about opportunities for advising, scholarships, and student organizations within the college. Treats will be served.
UW Recycling recently relocated their offices to the Publications Services Building, and they're hosting an open house today from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The "Global Mondays" speaker series hosted by the University of Washington School of Law and the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies features Randi Hedin, a lecturer with UW Law, speaking on "Sustainable Development Work in Senegal - Putting Theory into Practice" at 12:30 p.m. in William Gates 117.
Josephine Ensign, UW School of Nursing associate professor, will be talking about and signing her book "Catching Homelessness" at the University Bookstore at 7 p.m. Ensign reflects on her experiences, going from a picture-perfect life as a wife, mother, and nurse to losing everything and becoming homeless. This engrossing story reminds us that homelessness can happen to anyone—and of the inherent flaws of our health care system.