List of this week's UW sustainability events

UW Sustainability's weekly events banner.

With the second week of winter quarter officially underway, don’t forget to check out a whole new lineup of sustainability events. Some of the week's highlights are listed below, and you can find out even more items happening on campus this week with our full calendar (we're always adding events as we learn about them, so the full Sustainability Events calendar is also the best place to find the most up-to-date listings and details on all events).

Governor and students come together for climate conversation

Gov. Jay Inslee joined students at the University of Washington - and several other campuses around the state via videoconference - for a conversation on climate change this week.

The event, which allowed students to pose questions to the governor, was hosted by the College of the Environment and Dean Lisa Graumlich. Inslee had recently returned from the COP21 Climate Change talks in Paris, which led to an international agreement to combat climate change.

Puddles? No problem. Ride in the Rain!

By Lindsey Boisvin, Facilities Services’ Sustainability Communications Intern

The Burke-Gilman Trail is swamped with puddles and leaves, but that isn’t stopping Ride in the Rain bike riders.

Beginning Nov. 1, UW students, faculty, and employees created teams to take on one of the rainiest months of the year as part of the Ride in the Rain challenge. Each individual logged trips longer than 0.25 miles online to attempt to meet 50,000 trips across all teams.

Sustainability events around UW this week

UW Sustainability's weekly events banner

Although fall quarter is coming to a close, there are still plenty of UW Sustainability events to go to this week.


Start your afternoon with the Farm Lunch informal seminar, where students, staff and faculty explore issues concerning urban agriculture. The topic of discussion: how carbon and climate change relates to food. Seminar will be held in Gould 435 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:20 p.m.

Sean Notes | Lecture: Christof Mauch "How Vulnerable Is Our World? Environmental Sustainability and Lessons from the Past"

Date: Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015
Time: 7 – 8 p.m.
Location: Kane Hall 210
More Information: Event Webpage

Christof Mauch, Chair and Professor of American Cultural History at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), presents a Katz Distinguished Lecture.

Humble Feast Thanksgiving Edition on Nov. 23

The ASUW Student Food Cooperative's Autumn Humble Feast is Monday, November 23, at 6 p.m. in the HUB North Ballroom. The theme for the meal will be a Pacific Northwest Thanksgiving, and the menu will feature vegan and gluten-free seasonally-inspired food, as well as a panel of local food justice organizations. Panelists will speak about their role in the food system and the importance of sustainability and locality in consumption/production practices.