Ever wanted to ride an electric bike? Interested in Sustainability Jobs? Want to learn more about sustainability at the University of Washington?
We'll have all that - and free pizza! - at the UW Sustainability open house today, happening at our office in the basement of Gerberding Hall (room B40). Stop by anytime between 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. to meet UW Sustainability staff and students, talk with author Kevin Wilhelm who will sign his new book "Sustainability Jobs: the complete guide to landing your dream green job," and test ride electric bikes from Rad Power Bikes.
To find the UW Sustainability office, enter on the south side of Gerberding Hall across from Johnston Hall and walk down the stairs. Our office is immediately on the right.
Other events happening today:
- From 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. EarthCorps is partnering with the Society for Ecological Restoration-UW Chapter, the University of Washington Campus Sustainability Fund and the King Conservation District to plant native plants in the Kincaid Ravine site in northeast campus.
- At 11 a.m. break out your vintage clothes and bikes and join the UW Tweed Ride, a tour of historic sites on campus. Meet on the south side of Hansee Hall - the ride will take about one hour.
- UW China Studies hosts "Tea and the taste of climate change" at 11:30 a.m. in Thomson 317. Selena Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Food Systems at Montana State University, will use tea as a case study to explore the question of how climate change is impacting agro-ecosystems, crops, and farmer livelihoods in communities worldwide.