Image credit: Madrona
Great to see one of my (and many people's) long-time heros, Bill Ruckelshaus, being honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Molly Brown wrote a great article on GeekWire on the recognition.
Ruckelshaus is a Republican but has long been recognized as a leader on environmental issues on both sides of the political fence going to back to his EPA days under Nixon and Reagan. He helped ban DDT and achieved many other environment-related accomplishments, and specifically worked tirelessly for clean air and clean water. Nowadays, Ruckelshaus is working hard locally on envirionmental issues protecting the Puget Sound and is leading up the William D. Ruckelshaus Center, a joint center between UW and WSU that works on policy development and multiple-party dispute resolution in the Pacific Northwest. Among many other successes, the White House is honoring Ruckelshaus as a “dedicated public servant who has worked tirelessly to protect public health and combat global challenges like climate change,”
Sean Notes are blog posts by UWS Sustainability Assistant Director, Sean Schmidt that feature news, information, and resources that connect the dots in what Sean calls "full spectrum sustainability" (economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainability).