2025 Trash Art Contest

purple background with a small white w on the right; text reads uw recycling's 2025 trash art contest;

UW Recycling's 2025 Trash Art Contest opens February 12! Participants must create an art piece from items normally thought of as waste or a literary piece about waste and sustainability. This contest is open to all UW students, faculty and staff.

Categories include:

  • 2D art
  • 3D art
  • Textile art
  • Literature

Submissions are due March 28, 2025 at 4 p.m. PDT. Winners for each category will receive $100 or $50 e-gift cards to a low-waste shop or art store.

Campus Race to Zero Waste is back at the UW

landscape background with a iron W, campus race to zero waste logo previously recyclemania to the left of the metal W

Campus Race to Zero Waste (CRZW) starts again at the University of Washington! For the thirteenth year, the UW will participate in the friendly recycling, composting and waste reduction competition between colleges and universities.

CRZW runs February 2 to March 29, 2025. UW Recycling is organizing and promoting activities focused on waste reduction as part of the competition. Here are some ways you can participate:

Zero Waste & Reuse Programs at the UW

bike wheels hanging on a left wall with windows, on the right is a wall with a toolbox and posters

Sustainability is part of the fabric of the University of Washington. One of the ten goals in the UW Sustainability Action Plan is to produce ten percent less solid waste by 2025. This means reducing the amount of waste the UW sends to the landfill by ten percent.

Rethinking and reusing items are some of the most impactful ways to move towards our goal. Programs across the UW focus on rethinking and promoting reuse. Below are programs offered at the UW Seattle campus.

What is recycling contamination?

a pile of various items including plastic bags, an aluminum can, dirty containers, and an empty Starbucks cup,

The phrase recycling contamination isn’t clear to people outside of the waste industry. Let’s break it down:

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, contaminate means "to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association" or "to make inferior or impure by admixture." In recycling, a contaminant is something that should not be in recycling because it can degrade other materials or the recycling process.

2024 Trash Art Contest

text reads: UW Recycling 2024 Trash Art Contest on a purple background with the University of Washington logo

UW Recycling is now accepting entries for the 2024 Trash Art Contest! Participants must create an art piece from items normally thought of as waste or a literary piece about waste.

Categories include:

  • 2D art
  • 3D art
  • Textile art
  • Literature

Art pieces should express feelings or ideas about waste, or a sustainability topic that relates to waste. This contest is open to all UW students, faculty and staff.

2023 Trash Art Contest winners announced

little plastic rectangles that spell out TAGC

Artists from around the UW created astounding art pieces from trash in the fourth annual Trash Art Contest.

UW Recycling received 23 submissions from UW students, faculty and staff. Five winning pieces were selected in three categories. The artwork needed to be created from items normally thought of as trash or a written work about waste and sustainability. Artists were asked to express feelings or ideas about waste, or a sustainability topic that relates to waste.

2023 Trash Art Contest

purple background with white university of washington w; text reads uw recycling 2023 trash art contest; image is of a dress made of trash; caption of image says metamorphosis by isabella harris

UW Recycling is excited to host another Trash Art Contest for 2023!

Categories include literature, 2D and 3D art. Participants must create an art piece from items normally thought of as trash or a literary piece about waste. Art pieces should express feelings or ideas about waste, or a sustainability topic that relates to waste. This contest is open to all UW students, faculty and staff.

Submissions are due March 22, 2023 at 4 p.m. PST. Winners for each category will receive $100 or $50 gift cards to a low waste store.