UW Sustainability is excited to introduce paper reduction week! All week on the blog we'll be highlighting stories of people and groups on campus who have taken steps to reduce paper use, and providing tips and resources for you to do the same. This week is all about reducing the amount of paper we use, going digital and making small changes with big impacts. Reducing paper can save money and time as well as significantly reducing our environmental impact.

The University of Washington is committed to reducing paper. The UW recognizes paper reduction...

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Category: Paper Reduction
Tags: Paper Reduction Pros
UW Sustainability's weekly events banner.

There’s a whole new lineup of sustainability events this week, ranging from discussions on global warming and Seattle’s environmental history to a natural resources career fair. Some of the week's highlights are listed below, and you can find out even more items happening on campus with our full calendar. The full Sustainability Events calendar is the best place to find the most up-to-date listings and details on all events. Also, if you know of any events, please let us know. We’d love to add them to our calendar! And if...

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Category: Events
Tags: Weekly Events

Really fascinating Faculty Friday post today by Quinn Russel Brown on a class being tought by Anu Taranath, a senior lecturer in Compartive History of Ideas and English about how to talk about power and privilege on campuses. Getting comfortable about talking about uncomfortable things is a key element of the course and Taranath has multiple ways in which she facilitates the conversation. It certainly fits into the UW's new Race & Equity Initiative...

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Category: Academics
Tags: Anu Taranath | Race & Equity Initiative | Quinn Russel Brown | Social Justice | Diversity | Faculty Friday | Sean Notes

Whether it’s conserving water or donating unused food, the University of Washington Club is always looking for new innovative ways to stay sustainable.

“We try to align ourselves with the University’s commitment to environmental stewardship,” said Jenelle Ebisu, the UW Club’s general manager. “We’re always trying to support the environment as much as we can.”

For 105 years the UW Club has been providing full-service catering and meeting planning for departmental events, conferences, lunch services, and...

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Category: Food | Gardens & Farms | Water
Tags: UW Club | Food Recovery Network | UW Farm

The Green Office Certification Program encourages everyone at the University of Washington to help make their workplace sustainable. One of the areas of emphasis in the certification form is energy conservation, and it's also an area where many offices have room for improvement.

Below are a few tips on how your office can take easy steps to reduce energy use. For more ideas, see our Green Office Resources page or email us at sustainability@uw.edu.

Remember to Turn Off the Lights...

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Category: Energy | Green Certifications
Tags: Green Office | Energy Star | EPEAT

The EcoReps are excited for another quarter working with a new team of Service Learners! We had our first meeting on Wednesday, January 13th where we had the opportunity to meet all of the new recruits. We have a handful of projects that we are working on this quarter, and we would like to highlight a couple of them:

We will be working with Earth Club to continue Tap That, a project based on reducing the consumption of disposable water bottles on campus through educational outreach. A major focus will be to educate students, faculty, and staff on the locations...

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Category: Environment | Student Organizations | UW Seattle
Tags: EcoReps
UW Sustainability's weekly events banner.

Take a break from studying and check out what’s happening around the UW campus. Some of the week's highlights are listed below, and you can find out even more items happening on campus with our full calendar. The full Sustainability Events calendar is the best place to find the most up-to-date listings and details on all events. Also, if you know of any events, please let us know. We’d love to add them to our calendar! And if you'd like to get a weekly email of all the upcoming sustainability events, ...

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Category: Events
Tags: Weekly Events
Title card for UW Safety, Sustainability, and Preparedness Expo

Please join us for the UW Safety, Sustainability, and Preparedness Expo on Wednesday, February 10, 2016. We will be in the HUB Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., offering fun and interesting activities to UW faculty, staff, and students.

  • Enjoy light refreshments
  • Enter a drawing for door prizes
  • Start your own personal, portable emergency kit
  • Learn more about being safe, sustainable, and prepared
  • Pick up free items from UW departments and safety supply vendors

Your RSVP...

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Category: Events
Tags: Safety Expo | EH&S | Emergency Management
UW Sustainability's weekly events banner.

With the second week of winter quarter officially underway, don’t forget to check out a whole new lineup of sustainability events. Some of the week's highlights are listed below, and you can find out even more items happening on campus this week with our full calendar (we're always adding events as we learn about them, so the full Sustainability Events calendar is also the best place to find the most up-to-date listings and details on all events). If you know of any events which should be added, let us know, and if you'd...

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Category: Events
Tags: Weekly Events

This Fall, UW Tacoma's Carbon Challenge presented a talk by zero-waste advocate Lauren Singer showcasing how people can live a zero-waste lifestyle. The event was one part of the Carbon Challenge, a Green Seed Fund project to encourage students, faculty and staff to take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. As part of the challenge, during fall quarter...

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Category: Events | Green Seed Fund | Recycling, Compost & Waste | UW Tacoma
Tags: Videos | GSF15 | Lauren Singer | Zero Waste