Today and every Friday this summer the UW Farm will have a stand with fresh campus-raised produce for sale from 4 to 7 p.m.

The stand is off the Burke-Gilman Trail across from Gasworks Park, in the parking lot of the Fisheries Supply at 1900 Northlake Way. Each Friday you'll have the opportunity to pick up produce harvested that morning - perfect for stopping by on your way home for the weekend, or to enjoy in a nice picnic at Gasworks Park.

For more information on the UW Farm, go to or their...

Category: Food | Gardens & Farms

How do LEED-certified buildings measure up on indoor environmental quality? UW’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering conducted an investigation, funded by a Green Seed Grant, at the LEED Gold-certified Husky Union Building (HUB) to find out.

Professors Dorothy Reed and Amy Kim, graduate research assistant Stanley Wang, and engineering technician Yiming Liu focused on two spaces in particular – the Student Legal Services (SLS) Office and the Firecracker restaurant in Husky Den. They were able to test indoor environmental quality by...

Category: Buildings & Grounds | Green Seed Fund

As a result of UW Recycling’s annual waste diversion event known as SCRAM (Students Cleanup, Recycle and Moveout), the University of Washington’s Seattle campus donated a grand total of 28.7 tons of reusable items to local charities and non-profit organizations, a 60% increase from 17.9 tons in 2014.

In collaboration with UW Housing & Food Services (HFS), SCRAM donation stations are set up at each residence hall during finals week. ­Bedding, clothing, emergency red backpacks, non-perishable food, small appliances, school supplies and toiletries are collected and sorted...

Category: Recycling, Compost & Waste

When his friends were buying cars, UW student Scott Calvert was busy saving money for a better bike.

It's a passion he's sharing with UW by working at the ASUW bike shop - a hub for the UW biking community that's detailed in this video.

"I’ve always liked bikes," Calvert says. "It’s this tiny machine that’s basically an extension of your own body rather than something that encases you and does all the work for you. You’re really connected...

Category: Transportation | Student Organizations

Photo courtesy of Meili Powell, Tali Haller, Dana Chapman, and Mikayla Richardson

Last spring, a group of UW students traveled more than 200 miles to help teach three sixth grade classes about the environment.

"Our overarching goal was to perpetuate love for the environment, but also teach kids how to affect change on the local level," said Tali Haller, one of the UW student teachers.

Since 2000, the UW Pipeline Project has sponsored Environmental Alternative Spring Break, a weeklong...

Category: Student Organizations

The University of Washington is one of four finalists for the first Sustainability Award from the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) and USG Corp.

UW was honored for the sustainability aspects of the recent renovation of Husky Stadium. NACDA said the project "looked past the basics of water and energy conservation to enhance infrastructure, reduce the building's impact on the surrounding environment and provide a platform that has allowed UW to promote sustainability to its...

Category: Athletics | Awards & Recognition

UW's ENVIR 480: Sustainability Studio class in the Program on the Environment presents students with a sustainability topic which they engage in as part of an experiential learning course. The topics change each quarter - this spring, the students researched the UW's environmental history. Over the coming weeks, we'll be publishing some of the information students uncovered. As part of their research, students used archival resources in the Libraries'...

Category: Academics | Research

Within the College of Built Environments the urban planning real estate track will be offering a new sustainability focused class starting winter quarter 2016 ( R E 518). This three credit class will explore the best practices in sustainable real estate, analyzing at a macro level, the importance of sustainability in urban areas and introducing the best practices for various environmentally friendly and financially feasible interventions in the US and abroad. Also, at a micro level the class will focus on the adoption of environmentally friendly improvements at the building level with...

Category: Academics | Environment

Coming autumn quarter 2015, the Communications department will be offering a new sustainability focused class; Communication, Cities, and Sustainability (Com 325). This five credit class will explore how creative communication processes can enhance the sustainability and livability of cities by inviting, inspiring, connecting, educating, and engaging its citizens. Students will employ ethnographic techniques to analyze the complex, urban communication environment in which they live.

Picture from...

Category: Academics

The new UW light rail station is on schedule to open in early 2016, but Sound Transit is giving you a chance to virtually ride the route today, in the driver's seat. The agency has uploaded a video showing the tunnel during a test run from the new Capitol Hill station to the UW light rail station.

At the end of the video, you can see a quick glimpse...

Category: Transportation