The creators of JikoPower found their great idea. The team (formerly known as FireBee) won the 2015 Environmental Innovation Challenge and the 2016 UW Business Plan Competition with their product to generate sustainable energy for people without electricity. JikoPower's products use heat from cooking stoves to power small electronics, which could be a huge benefit in areas such as Kenya, where 80 percent of the population have mobile phones but only 20 percent have electricity in their homes.
This year's Husky Highlight event features JikoPower. Learn more about their product and the journey from idea to impact in Paccar Hall's Deloitte Commons, at 4 p.m. Thursday.
Other SustainableUW Festival events on Thursday, Oct. 20 include:
- The fall quarter's Nutritional Sciences Seminar Series theme is "Feeding Nine Billion: Climate, Nutrition, and Population Health" and this week's lecture is on "Sustainable Almonds and the California Drought." Alder Hall 104, 12:30 p.m.
- Thursday's UW Farm volunteer hours are at the Mercer Court location from 1-4:30 p.m.
- UW Tacoma is holding an info session on Social Justice and Public Service Fellowships in Cherry Parkes 303 at 5-6 p.m.
For more information and the full festival event listing, visit sustainability.uw.edu/festival/events