RecycleMania starts this week at the University of Washington! For the eighth year, the UW will be participating in the friendly recycling competition.
As part of RecycleMania, UW Recycling will be organizing events and activities to promote waste reduction with campus partners.
Get Caught Green-Handed with SEED
Show off your recycling know-how when you get caught “green-handed”. Participants who sort their waste correctly at Local Point Café on Feb. 12 will be rewarded for being sustainable!
From 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., UW Recycling and Students Expressing Environmental Dedication (SEED) will give out small prizes for those caught green-handed.
Learn to mend your clothes with RepairCycle
Have a piece of clothing to mend but don’t know where to start? Stop by Alder Commons from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on March 12 to learn from RepairCycle representatives!
RepairCycle is a mobile mending service that empowers participants to mend their clothes. Millions of tons of textiles end up in landfills each year. Mending clothing, rather than throwing it away, can help reduce textile waste.
Watch UW Recycling's social media for a chance to win prizes
Follow UW Recycling on social media (@UWRecycling) to get deals and win prizes in weekly challenges!
UW Recycling is partnering with the Associated Students of the University of Washington Student Food Cooperative (ASUWSFC) to promote their bulk store, The Bean Basket. Be on the lookout for a deal in Week Three!
RecycleMania Competition
RecycleMania is a friendly competition between colleges and university recycling programs. Each organization reports the amount of recycling and waste diverted from the landfill. In past years, the UW has surpassed Pac-12 competitors with the highest diversion rate.
RecycleMania 2020 runs for an eight-week period from February 3 to March 28. Each week, the waste and recycling amounts will be totaled to see who is on top.
At the end of the 8-week period, the data will be analyzed to see which colleges and universities have the highest waste diversion. To learn more about RecycleMania, visit: https://recyclemania.org/