The Society for Ecological Restoration - UW Chapter works to promote ecological restoration and bring students together around this goal at the UW. SER-UW organizes restoration volunteer work parties across campus. This quarter, they're able to hold work parties in groups of five people or less.
You can follow SER-UW on Instagram or visit their website to learn about these as they are scheduled.
There are also two regularly scheduled work parties during Fall quarter. Every Friday from 12-3 p.m. there are work parties at the Native Plant Nursery, and Tuesdays there will be work parties at the Heron Haven site from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers will be required to confirm attendance in advance, complete a provided COVID-19 attestation, and wear masks.
For the Native Plant Nursery work parties, contact sernursery@gmail.com. To volunteer for the Heron Haven site, contact nikoli99@uw.edu.