If you're interested in games and the environment, sign up for the Sustainability Game Jam this weekend. Inviduals and teams will work Nov. 11-12 to create game concepts and prototypes that promote sustainability.
Everyone, regardless or background or skill, is welcome. Groups of up to three people can register as a team, or individuals can sign up to be matched to a team. Registered participants should be prepared to commit for most of the weekend. The game jam is intended to provide an immersive environment for creating game concepts through an accessible event that allows people to work together, have fun, and be creative while helping the planet and ourselves.
There is no cost to register. Coffee, snacks, and lunch will be provided to participants both days. On Sunday afternoon, a panel will judge game designs and prototypes and prizes will be awarded.
The Sustainability Game Jam was funded through the Campus Sustainability Fund, and hosted by UW's School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Interested participants can learn more at the Sustainability Game Jam website.