Students planning to enter the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challege can apply for funding to help create a prototype to help develop their idea. The funding can be used to purchase materials, rent equipment, or hire short-term workers with high level skills beyond the team’s capacity, in order to create a physical model, object or device.
The application deadline for the funds is Dec. 19, 2016 at 5 p.m. See the full details and apply here.
Funds are available for teams with students attending a college or university in the state of Washington and are provided in the form of a debit card. Awards generally are between $500 and $3,000 per team, although other requests will be considered. Prototype funding may not be used for marketing, business cards, displays, signage, visuals, etc. You cannot buy computers, 3-D printers, phones, or pay team members, transportation or lodging. You cannot use funds for legal or other professional fees. All expenditures must be accounted for with receipts and the Buerk Center spending log, which will be provided. Good luck!
Students who are interested in learning more can attend a brief information session in the CoMotion MakerSpace (Fluke Hall, Suite 215) this Friday, December 9 at 4 p.m. before their Show and Tell event. RSVP here.
Questions? Email Lauren Brohawn, brohal@uw.edu