The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) will be regularly featuring alumni, project leaders and other students who help the CSF make a difference on campus. Today's alumni spotlight is on An Huynh, former CSF outreach coordinator.
UW Graduation Year: 2015
Major: Community, Environment and Planning
Minor: Environmental Science and Resource Management
Hometown: Bothell, Washington
Former CSF Position: Staff, Outreach Coordinator
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Biking and Hammocking
What is your favorite CSF project?
"Hmm... hard to say. There are many favorites for many different reasons. I love it in general when projects are interdisciplinary, communicative, and are able to change and evolve over time... The greatest thing is seeing a project making an impact, no matter if they were awarded $1,000 or $100,000."
What is your current job?
"I am currently the Public Space & Community Coordinator at SCIDpda (the Seattle Chinatown/International District Preservation Development Authority). We work on community and economic development projects in the C/ID which includes Chinatown, Little Saigon, and Japantown. I mainly work on public realm projects in Little Saigon and facade improvements with individual businesses in Chinatown. Right now it's mainly coordinating a future parklet and park site, decorative crosswalks, and advocating for the neighborhood in general in discussions involving streetscape changes."
How did working with the CSF impact your career path?
"CSF gave me a lot of the transferable skills that have translated to my current role. Thinking holistically and individualistically about projects and how they work together, public speaking,event planning, relationship building are a few of the things I've taken away. I was also exposed to the power of student-based/community-based work, and that's something I definitely get to see and think about now."
What is you dream job?
"Are dream jobs ok? Something between and urban planner and international development-er. Also photojournalist, reporter, and hip-hop dance crew member."