The UW Office of Admissions recently started a transition from paper-based applications to a digital process. On April 14, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions David Sundine joined us for a Green Bag talk on the process and the benefits of the new system.
It was a fabulous talk that attracted a broad audience including folks from UW-IT, UW Sustainability, the School of Public Policy and Governance, Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship and even UW Bothell. Sundine talked about how the new system makes the undergraduate admissions process much timelier and efficient while - as a bonus - saving them from printing more than 32,000 paper applications this fall alone.
While the paper reduction sustainability savings are impressive, the primary driver of the initiative was efficiency. The number of applications is growing considerably each year, and the staff of the Admissions office would not have been able to keep up with the tight deadlines and expanded workload this year without the new digital system.
We detailed the process in an earlier blog post here, but it was great to have David Sundine come to present and answer questions on the process!