Volunteers needed to give away free compost bins during student move-in!
Looking to make a difference in UW campus sustainability? Volunteer with UW Recycling to give away free compost bins to incoming students at the UW campus apartments. UW Recycling will be tabling outside of Mercer Court, Stevens Court, and Cedar apartments during student move-in. We need volunteers to help educate new and returning apartment residents about recycling and composting at UW and offer residents a free compost bin for their apartment.
Dates and times of the compost bin giveaway tabling events:
Monday, 9/14 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Cedar Apartments
Monday, 9/28 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Mercer Court Apartments
Volunteers are asked to commit to at least one two hour shift during one of the tabling events.
If you would like to volunteer, sign up by e-mailing recycle@uw.edu with the subject heading "Volunteer for move-in xxx." Include your name, affiliation with UW, and what day and time you would like to volunteer in the e-mail. Feel free to e-mail with any questions as well.
This post has been updated to reflect a change in the volunteer dates.