Albatrosses, dogs, bears - oh my!
New events are up on the sustainability events calendar, and we can’t wait for you to check them out. We've listed a few of the top options this week below, and you can always check out our calendar for a comprehensive listing of events. You can even subscribe to get weekly emails to keep up to date on all the sustainability events happening around UW.
Also, don't forget that UW Sustainability Action Network is hosting the UW 2018 Earth Day celebration next Friday, April 20, on Red Square. Check out the details for this and the all Earth Week activities across UW on our Earth Day page.
Wildlife Science Seminar: Use of Karelian Bear Dogs for Carnivore Conservation and Management
Monday, April 9, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Kane Hall, Room 120
Join this week's Wildlife Science Seminar speaker Richard Beausoleil, a Bear and Cougar Specialist, who will be discussing the use of Karelian bear dogs for carnivore conservation and management.
This is a free event, and the public is welcome to attend.
Questions about this seminar or any other in the series should be directed to Christian Grue at cgrue@uw.edu
Chris Jordan's Albatross: Screening and Conversation with Filmmaker
Tuesday, April 10, 7 – 9 p.m.
Kane Hall, Room 110
Screening of Chris Jordan's Albatross (2017) followed by a conversation with the filmmaker.
ALBATROSS is a powerful visual journey into the heart of a gut-wrenching environmental tragedy. On Midway island, in the remote North Pacific Ocean, tens of thousands of Laysan albatross chicks lie dead on the ground, their bodies filled with plastic. ALBATROSS takes us on a journey through horror and grief, facing the shock of this tragedy and our own complicity head on.
Internationally-acclaimed photographic artist Chris Jordan, in his filmmaking debut, returned to Midway over many years with his team, documenting the cycles of life and death, and capturing stunning and intimate portraits of these magnificent seabirds.
Workshop with 'Albatross' Filmmaker Chris Jordan
Wednesday, April 11, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Communications building, 218D
Join Chris Jordan, creator of the documentary film Albatross, for a workshop following the film screening at 7 pm on Tuesday, April 10, in Kane Hall 110.
To attend the workshop, RSVP to María Elena Garcia.