Whether it's composting and recycling at work or being mindful of what type of products to purchase – Ken Yasuhara is dedicated to sustainability both in the workplace and in everyday activities.
As a research scientist for the Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching and an instructional consultant with the Office for Advancement of Engineering Learning, Yasuhara makes sure his students are incorporating sustainability in their work as well.
"One of our projects includes getting engineering students to look at the life cycle more," said Yasuhara. "We want them to think more than just what the product looks like, but also how that product comes to be – whether it's sourcing materials, the manufacturing process, or packaging and delivery."
It's about "encouraging people to pay attention to stuff that is easily overlooked," he said.
The Husky Green Awards recognize the top environmental leaders at the University of Washington. Individuals or groups from all UW campuses are nominated by faculty, staff and students. We'll be featuring many of the 2016 nominees on the blog this month. The winners will be announced on April 18, with an award ceremony during the April 22 Earth Day celebrations on Red Square.