Welcome to Week 7 of Spring quarter!
Now that midterms are over, use your free time to join us for another week filled with sustainability-related events. Here are some of the highlights - for more information about these events or to find out what other sustainability events are happening on campus this week check out our full calendar. If you know of any events, which should be added, let us know.
If you'd like to get a weekly email of all the upcoming sustainability events, subscribe here. And we're always adding new events as we learn about them, so see all the details and any last-minute additions on the Sustainability Events calendar.
Monday, May 11
- Come listen to speaker Jim Unsworth the Director of Washington’s Department of Fish and Wildlife speak about the “Challenges In Managing Washington’s Wildlife Resources” (Kane Hall 120, 3:30 p.m.)
Tuesday, May 12
- Learn about Introduced Game Fish and Inland Aquatic Food Webs: Impacts and Management Actions from David Beauchamp from the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. (Fishery Sciences 102, 10:30 a.m.)
- Surplus property from all UW departments & medical centers for sale to the public every Tuesday! (Plant Services Building, 4515 25th Ave NE, 12-6 p.m.)
- Learn about the process of volcano formation, magma cooling, and how this process helps build continents, and on how shifts in the environment can cause tropical diseases to pop up in new places at the UW Science Now event! (Downstairs at Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue, 6:30 p.m.)
- EcoReps meeting! All students are welcome at the meetings for the peer-education group - find out what we're doing and get involved! (Denny Hall 205, 7 p.m.)
Wednesday, May 13
- UW Farm Volunteer hours (Mercer Court, 1:30 - 5 p.m.)
- SEFS Spring 2015 Seminar Series. Come listen to speaker Professor Renata Bura Speak about The importance of water, climate change and water policy for potential bio-refineries in Washington State (Anderson Hall 223, 3:30 p.m.)
Thursday, May 14
- Farm education at the UW Farm. Join in for an hour of discussion and learning about various topics related to farming - this week’s topic is "Plant Families" (Botany Greenhouse, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.)
- UW Transportation Services is putting on a FREE class to help you understand the rules of the road for people on bikes, in vehicles, and on foot, and how you can ride defensively to avoid potential conflicts. (HUB 337, 12 p.m.)
Friday, May 15th
- Join the pack riding on Bike to Work Day! Visit Transportation Services commute stations on campus between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. for an assortment of goodies!
- The Climate Change Video Award ceremony and screening is tonight! Find out who takes home the $5,000 grand prize! (Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., 7 p.m.)
Saturday, May 16th
- From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Friday Harbor Labs will be open for self-guided tours! Scientists and students will showcase their marine science research, answer questions and provide demonstrations. Plus there will be free popcorn, a Friday Harbor Laboratories’ Open House tradition.
There is also a whole bunch of other events that occur weekly listed on our calendar, don’t forget to check those out!