Students can work on creating innovative solutions to environmental problems as part of the Environmental Innovation Practicum offered by the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship. The goal of the practicum is to help students discover how cleantech solutions are addressing pressing environmental issues, and learn how they can be part of those solutions.
Learn how ideas are developed by cross-discipline teams, learn from leading thinkers on renewable energy, efficient buildings, sustainable agriculture and more, and get coaching, from entrepreneurs and experts when you register for this course. The practicum can also help students prepare for the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge. Questions? E-mail Lauren Brohawn at brohal@uw.edu.
The two-credit practicum (ENTRE 443/543, ENGR 498, ENVIR 495) will meet Tuesdays at 4-5:50 p.m. during Fall quarter. See course details on MyPlan.