![Environmental Justice Conference poster](https://sustainability.uw.edu/blog/files/Please%20Save%20the%20Date_%20EJ%20Conference.jpg)
The 2019 Environmental Justice Conference, organized by the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the UW College of the Environment, will focus on issues of equity and inclusive collaboration to confront climate disruption. The theme is "In-Reach before Outreach." The main goal of this conference is to reflect on our outreach strategies and look into community-based solutions. Participants will be able to engage with scholars from different disciplines as well as with local community leaders in a half-day program, including a panel workshop in community engagement through participatory action research and a panel with experts in environmental coalition building.
The conference is April 19, 2019, at 1-5 p.m. in the Maple Hall Great Room. The event is open to UW faculty, staff and students.
Global climate change is changing at a faster rate due, mainly to human activities, with observable effects on socio-ecological systems. The impact of these changes is expected to be catastrophic and now, more than ever, collaborative strategies are needed to mitigate and adapt to new environmental conditions.
Registration for the conference is open to all. Register at the link below, or email Nicole David at nmd3@uw.edu.