And just like that...we're almost halfway into winter quarter! If you haven't already, check out the sustainabilty events calendar, which is full of lectures, student organization meetings, volunteer opportunities and more. We've listed a few of the top options this week below, and you can always check out our calendar for a comprehensive listing of events. You can even subscribe to get weekly emails to keep up to date on all the sustainability events happening around UW!
EcoReps Weekly Meeting
Monday, Jan. 29, 2018, 3 – 4 p.m.
Gerberding Hall, Basement room 36
EcoReps is a student-run organization that works with students, faculty, and staff to make the University of Washington a more sustainable place by implementing green ideas. Weekly meetings are open to any students that want to learn more about the group, work on/suggest projects, or get more information about the group.
The Historical Roots of Indigenous Activism in the Era of Standing Rock
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018, 7:30 – 9 p.m.
Kane Hall, Room 130
Coverage of the recent activism against the Dakota Access Pipeline framed the conflict as one of American Indians as protectors of the Earth in opposition to economic development. This lecture by Joshua Reid, Associate Professor of History and American Indian Studies, will widen the view of Indigenous activism — both locally and historically — revealing how activists' long-term goals have continually sought to maintain and strengthen Native sovereignty in the face of settler colonialism. Buy tickets.
Innovative Strategies to Combat Malnutrition and Improve Health
Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018, 12:30 – 1:20 p.m
Alder Hall, Auditorium 104
Almost every country in the world is facing a nutrition-related challenge. "Millions of people have too much of the wrong food, while millions more have too little of the right food", according to the 2017 IFPRI Global Nutrition Report. What are we doing about it? Join our Winter Nutrition Seminar Series, organized by UW Nutritional Science Program, to hear from food system and nutrition experts.