There are thousands of light bulbs on campus, which use energy and regularly burn out or fail. The UW's maintenance electricians are addressing both issues with a program to upgrade campus lights to LED bulbs, which are more efficient and longer-lasting than traditional lights.
The team recently swapped out more than 200 lights on the IMA's squash and racquetball courts, which will reduce power consumption by 78%. Kane and Meany halls have also gotten LED upgrades.
You can read more about the project on the Facilities Services blog.
"Most buildings need to be re-lamped every five years, which isn't possible with our current resources," said interim night maintenance Supervisor Eric Yerxa. "By installing LEDs, this will extend the life of the lights up to 10 years, which will free up our lighting crews and moves us in the right direction of being proactive instead of reactive in our lighting approach."
The LED program earned the maintenance electricians team a Husky Green Award nomination, for helping reduce energy use on campus and also use time and resources more effectively. Learn more about their work now.
Photo by Facilities Services' Sustainability Communications Intern Lindsey Boisvin. For more information on Facilities Services' sustainability efforts, see the FS blog or follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
The Husky Green Awards recognize the top environmental leaders at the University of Washington. Individuals or groups from all UW campuses are nominated by faculty, staff and students. We're featuring many of the 2016 nominees on the blog. The winners will be announced on April 18, with an award ceremony during the April 22 Earth Day celebrations on Red Square.