Next month, several major University of Washington suppliers will help the UW move toward full use of 100% recycled paper for copiers and printers.
Since 2010 the Committee for Paper Reduction (CPR), a multi-disciplinary committee composed of members from all three UW campuses, has been responsible for communicating the need for processes and tools that result in responsible paper use at the University of Washington as dictated by the objectives in Washington State Substitute Bill 2287. This substitute bill requires all state agencies to reduce the use of white bond copy paper by 30%, and 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper will become the default paper for use in copiers and printers.
The University of Washington has not achieved total compliance for the stated goals of bill 2287, but we have made some progress. The next step in the University’s quest to be a model for sustainable business practices and to comply to state law is offering only 100% recycled white bond copy paper for purchase from our primary office supply vendors, Office Depot, Keeney’s and Complete Office. To be clear, we are only talking about paper used in copying/printing machines. This does not include color or specialty papers that are needed for reasons other than normal copying or printing needs.
Beginning on Earth Day, April 22, eProcurement suppliers Keeney’s, Complete Office and Office Depot will substitute comparably priced 100% recycled content copying paper for purchases initiated that aren’t 100% recycled content.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact David Wright at 206-616-7076.