The Husky Real Food Challenge (HRFC) student organization wants to see UW reach 25 percent "real food" - local, ecologically sustainable, fair trade or humanely raised - by 2020. This week The Daily outlined the group's efforts.
The national Real Food Challenge organization tries to get campuses to have at least 20 percent real food, but since the UW is already near this goal, Husky Real Food Challenge is pushing for an even higher target.
Because the UW already has a relatively high amount of real food, estimated between 16 and 20 percent, HRFC is challenging the UW to aim higher and reach 25 percent real food by 2020. To do this, the group wants to collaborate with Housing and Food Services (HFS) to source more foods that meet real food standards.
HRFC recently published the results of its Real Food Calculator assessment, breaking down exactly how much food at UW fits into the Real Food category. The assessment covered January-February 2013, and during that time UW was at 16% real food. HRFC believes since the surveyed period was during the winter, when local produce is more scarce, the actual percentage of Real Food at UW is closer to 20%.
Check out the full breakdown of the calculator results at the HRFC site, and read the full story at The Daily to learn more about how the Husky Real Food Challenge is working with HFS and other organizations on campus to reach its goal.