Shout out to Schindler-Limnology Lab, Berg Lab, Shendure Lab, Keil Lab, and Olmstead Lab for becoming our newest certified Green Labs!
The Schindler-Limnology Lab placed at the Gold level of certification, scoring highest in the communication and education category. With about six staff and graduate students, the lab does research on water quality, fish biology, nutrient cycling, and all things inland water.
The Berg Lab was also certified at the Gold level, scoring highest in the field work and work-related travel category. This lab does research on fruit fly genetics, developmental biology, and molecular biology with seven faculty, staff, undergraduate students, and graduate students working in the lab.
The Shendure Lab is now certified as a Bronze Green Lab. This lab focuses on genetics, genomics, and molecular biology methods development using next generation DNA sequencing. Their lab consists 25 staff and graduate students, and they have innovated by using reagent bottles for waste rather than new tubes/containers and recycling camera from sequencer and mount on microscope.
The Keil Lab certified as a Silver Green Lab. This lab studies the Ocean’s changing carbon cycle by developing new technologies to conduct in situ experimentation on the biological pump, using targeted proteomics to evaluate microbial degradation processes acting on organic carbon, and measuring the concentrations and accumulation of emerging pollutants in the ocean. Primary laboratory tools are gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy. They have nine faculty, staff, undergraduate students and graduate students working in their lab. They have innovated by replacing most liquid chromatography systems with ultra-low flow systems that virtually eliminated production of liquid waste, constructing their field equipment with titanium which results in less metal pollution, and using UW's hybrid and electric cars to visit local schools.
The Olmstead Lab placed at the Silver level of certification. They scored the highest in the field work and work-related travel and water conservation category. This lab focuses on interpreting flowering plant evolution and biogeographic patterns through phylogenetic methods. Their lab consists five faculty and graduate students.
Congrats again to these five Green Labs! If you want your lab to be recognized for you wonderful sustainable practices, apply at Green Lab Application. You will also recieve free coffee from Husky Grind.