There are many ways to learn more about sustainability efforts at the University of Washington during Dawg Daze. UW Sustainability staff and students will be on Red Square along with UW Recycling during the Student Activities Fair on Red Square on Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 28-29). Find us under the UW Recycling tent in front of Gerbderding Hall - we'll be there to answer your questions and chat all things sustainable, whether it's learning how to properly recycle and compost or finding a student group to get involved with. We'll also have giveaways and lots of information for you to take with you.
If you want to dig deeper, here are a few other Dawg Daze events which touch on various aspects of sustainability. You can also look through the full list of Dawg Daze events here. And share your sustainability photos and stories by tagging #sustainableUW on Instagram and Twitter!
Saturday, Sept. 24
12 p.m. - Volunteering with Circle K: Learn How to Make a Positive Impact in Your Community!
Mary Gates Hall (MGH), Room 228
Want to know how purple and gold can help your world? Join Circle K, a volunteer organization here at UW, to learn about the over 1,400 service hours we contributed last year and how you can get involved. Ranging from weekly Food Bank events, to Canoe Clean-ups on Lake Washington, the memories you make through Circle K will last a lifetime. Come and check us out!
Monday, Sept. 26
10:30 a.m. - Ride to the Center of the Universe
ASUW Bike Shop in Husky Union Building (HUB)
Ride to one of Seattle's quirkiest neighborhoods with other UW students! We will begin our trip to Fremont, aka the "center of the universe" from the ASUW Bike Shop in the Husky Union Building. It's easy to explore Seattle by bike, so grab your bike and helmet and ride with us! Arrive early to be eligible to win some cool new gear. Note - we will ride back together from Fremont at 12:45 p.m. and be back by 1:00 p.m., but you are free to go back earlier or stay longer. Need a bike? UWild Gear Garage rents them out (206-685-0869, located at the Waterfront Activities Center). In collaboration with ASUW Bike Shop.
1 p.m. - Exploring Environmental Majors – Panel & Info Session
Husky Union Building (HUB), room 145
Info session & student panel: Exploring Environmental Majors & Tips for Surviving Your First Quarter at UW with the College of the Environment; Environmental Health; and Community, Environment & Planning.
5 p.m. - UW Food Fair: Eat Play Learn
Center for Urban Horticulture (3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA 98105)
The Husky Food Coalition, a collaboration between the ASUW Student Food Cooperative, the UW Farm, Real Food Challenge, the Food Recovery Network, and CARE, plans to host a food fair at the UW Farm on Sept. 26 from 5 to 8 pm. The fair will encourage students to think critically about how they eat and where their food comes from while having fun, meeting friends, and most importantly, eating good food. Events will include group activities, local speakers, cob-oven pizza baking, and facilitated mingling.
Tuesday, Sept. 27
12 p.m. - UW Net Impact Undergraduate Chapter
Electrical Engineering Building (EEB), room 037
Interested in transforming the social and environmental agenda of a workplace? Come join our RSO as we host a local company to learn more about their initiatives to maintain a social and environmentally conscious business. We will also provide food to fuel your questions!
1 p.m. - How to Get a Bike and Ride the City
Mechanical Engineering Building (MEB), room 248
Learn how to get a bike and use it for transportation and exploring the city and beyond! Whether you end up buying (used or new) or borrowing (Pronto Cycle Share or checkout through UWild Adventures), we'll tell you what to look for and how to move forward with getting your hands on a bike. Then we'll share the secrets of how to lock it so you don't lose it, and how to ride smart and visible so that you can go just about anywhere feeling secure and confident. There will be a door prize for one lucky winner and a free "bike benefits" discount sticker for everyone.
1 p.m. Leaves, Coffee Grounds, Compost, Oh My!
UW Compost Facility located by Corp Yard 2 at the Urban Horticulture Center (3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA 98105)
Compost? What's that? Join UW Grounds and UW Recycling for this on-campus tour to witness composting firsthand and learn why compostable material such as food scraps, coffee grounds and leaves isn't waste but a resource. UW Grounds manages an on-campus compost facility where select leaves and coffee grounds from campus are processed into a rich soil amendment for use on campus landscaping and grounds. This facility helps divert valuable materials from the landfill and plays an integral role in fulfilling the University’s sustainability commitments.
1:30 p.m. - Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) Bike Tour
South end of Drumheller Fountain
Join us for a 4.5 mile tour of on-campus, sustainability projects funded through the CSF. We are a student-run, student-funded grant organization that makes available over $300,000 a year for on-campus, student-led sustainability projects. Since our founding in 2010, we've funded 80 projects; a handful of which we'll visit on the tour! We highly encourage you to bring your own bike and helmet. If that option is unavailable, please contact us at uwcsf@uw.edu and we will help you find a rental. For more info, check out our website csf.uw.edu. In collaboration with UW Farm, Society for Ecological Restoration-UW Chapter (SER-UW), Kincaid Ravine Restoration Project, ASUW Bike Shop, UW Campus Salvage Wood Program.
4 p.m. - Global Health Activity Night: Practices in Global Health
Savery (SAV) Hall, room 136
Interested in global health, social justice, or international service? Stop by for an activity and discussion surrounding ethics and practices in global health work led by GlobeMed! GlobeMed is a student organization and registered non-profit where UW students work in partnership with communities and learn to view global challenges through a human lens. Stop by to reflect on practices in global health and learn about what we do!
Wednesday, Sept. 28
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Student Activities Fair
Red Square
The Student Activities Fair is an opportunity for registered student organizations (RSOs) to promote themselves, attract new members, and network with other campus groups. There are over 900 RSOs on file in the Student Activities Office. Many of these groups, ranging from academic to sports, will be at this year's fair. Come check out the groups taking part in the Student Activities Fair at Red Square! In collaboration with Student Activities Office (SAO).
1-3 p.m. - Pot-A-Plant with SEED
Lander Hall/Maple Hall Terrace
Looking for a little bit something to liven up your room? Come join the student group SEED (Students Engaged in Environmental Dedication) as they host a Pot-A-Plant event to help you bring some sustainable life to your room. You can learn more about the student group that is engaged with sustainability in the residence halls and dining services!
Thursday, Sept. 29
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Student Activities Fair
Red Square
The Student Activities Fair is an opportunity for registered student organizations (RSOs) to promote themselves, attract new members, and network with other campus groups. There are over 900 RSOs on file in the Student Activities Office. Many of these groups, ranging from academic to sports, will be at this year's fair. Come check out the groups taking part in the Student Activities Fair at Red Square! In collaboration with Student Activities Office (SAO).
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Commuter Fair
Husky Union Building (HUB), room 145
Do you commute to campus? Join us at the Commuter Fair to learn more about your resources as a commuter student! Transportation Services, Commuter Commons and many more commuter-related resources will be there to help answer your questions. Join us for snacks and meet other students who also commute!
1-3 p.m. - Pot-A-Plant with SEED
Lander Hall/Maple Hall Terrace
Looking for a little bit something to liven up your room? Come join the student group SEED (Students Engaged in Environmental Dedication) as they host a Pot-A-Plant event to help you bring some sustainable life to your room. You can learn more about the student group that is engaged with sustainability in the residence halls and dining services!
Friday, Sept. 30
1-3 p.m. - Pot-A-Plant with SEED
Lander Hall/Maple Hall Terrace
Looking for a little bit something to liven up your room? Come join the student group SEED (Students Engaged in Environmental Dedication) as they host a Pot-A-Plant event to help you bring some sustainable life to your room. You can learn more about the student group that is engaged with sustainability in the residence halls and dining services!