The University of Washington, Western Washington University and the Evergreen State College are jointly offering a regional symposium on low-carbon space heating alternatives to natural gas. The symposium will be held Friday, May 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the UW Alder Hall Commons.
There are a few low-carbon heating technologies technically feasible in the Puget Sound region. Each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, and their economic feasibility tends to be very site dependent. We are inviting facilities and operations managers of large public and commercial buildings/spaces to join in a regional conversation on the opportunities and strategic collaborations that may serve our efforts to replace the consumption of natural gas with more renewable, non-fossil options.
In this symposium our goal is to facilitate and stimulate regional collaboration towards a shift from natural gas to other low-carbon space heating options. If you are interested in learning more about waste water heat recovery, heat pumps, anaerobic digesters, and gasification we would love for you to join us.
Click here to view a PDF with the full agenda and speaker information. If you are interested in attending the symposium, please register here. There is no cost to register and attend the symposium.
For more information, contact Scott Morgan, Director of Sustainability at The Evergreen State College at morgans@evergreen.edu