By Ray Clemes | Feb 15, 2015

Here are some highlights from our Sustainability Events calendar for the week of Feb. 16, 2015. If you know of any events which should be added, let us know.
If you'd like to get a weekly email of all the upcoming sustainability events, subscribe here. And we're always adding new events as we learn about them, so see all the details and any last-minute additions on the Sustainability Events calendar.
- UW observes the President's Day holiday. The weather is supposed to be amazing, so take advantage of the day off and get outside! If you want ideas on what to do, check out our #outdoordawgs Pinterest board. (And let us know if you have a secret spot we should add!)
- In this ESRM seminar, Maja Krzic from University of British Columbia, will be taking a look at and analyzing soil maps of Vancouver, BC. (Anderson 223, 8:30 a.m.)
- "If you communicate and no one listens.... did you communicate?" Greg Quetin and Abagail Steinem, two UW grad students, will be speaking on bridging the divide between the sciences and design. (OSB 425, 3:30 p.m.)
- Marco Hatch will be presenting as a part of the IGERT Program on Ocean Change on "Resilience of Coast Salish Food Systems". (Fisheries 102, 4:30 p.m.)
- Join the Campus Sustainability Fund for a night of cross-discipline brainstorming! They're interested in hearing from students on what kinds of sustainability projects they want to see on campus. Light refreshments provided (gotta feed the brain after using that thinking cap of yours). (MEB 246, 5 p.m.)
- Join UW Farm for a session of volunteering. (Mercer Court, 11 a.m.)
- For the weekly Farm Lunch Seminar, Elizabeth Wheat will be leading a class on an introduction to soil blocks. (Wallace 120, 12:30 p.m.)
- In this SEFS seminar of the week, Beth Gardner will be presenting "advances in abundance and occurrence modeling of wildlife populations". (Anderson 223, 3:30 p.m.)
- UW Farm will be hosting a trifecta of events beginning with a potluck at 8, followed by a class on companion planting, and concluding with volunteer hours at 9:30. (Botany Greenhouse, 8:30 a.m.)
- Ever wondered why regulations aren't in the best interest of how pollutants affect us? The Env Health department will be hosting Christopher James as he will be explaining. (Health Sciences D-209, 12:30 p.m.)
- Dr. Klawitter and Dr. Daniel J. will be presenting on the effect of increasing the Seattle minimum wage on improving public health as a part of the weekly nutritional sciences seminar. (Alder Auditorium 104, 12:30 p.m.)
- For the weekly Bevan Series on sustainable fisheries, Jim Martin, conservation director of the Berkley Conservation Institute, will be presenting on the restructure of the lower Colombia River fisheries. (Fisheries Auditorium, 4:30 p.m.)
- Many of us dream of traveling the world. Few do it. And only one has done it solar powered. In this popcorn-provided film screening of "Solartaxi: Around the World with the Sun", Louis Palmer navigates the globe in his solar powered car on his 18th month journey. (Gould 332, 6:30)
- Experience the Center of Urban Horticulture by volunteering with UW Farm! (CUH, 10 a.m.)