The unseasonably warm February means there are plenty of opportunities to get outside and see sights which normally aren't available until later in the year.
The Seattle Times has a list of several good options for garden walks around Seattle (many flowers are already starting to bloom) and waterfalls further afield.
For example, Franklin Falls near Snoqualmie Pass:
Snuggled up beneath the Interstate 90 freeway just a slushball’s-throw west of Snoqualmie Pass, this hike is usually a snowshoe trip this time of year. Not this February. It’s pretty much snow-free, and after several consecutive years of trail work (thank you, WTA volunteers), the trail is in very good condition, safe for young and old.
Check out the article for more suggestions on where to enjoy the weather this weekend, and let us know where you go in the comments or by tagging photos and posts with #outdoordawgs.
Photo courtesy Flickr user Craig Damlo under a Creative Commons license.