A group focused on sustainability and clean energy technologies should have a website, right? Well, now they do! UW's Green Greek Representative Program recently launched a website which will serve as both a way for them to increase awareness about what they’re doing and also as a way to ease the onboarding process.
“The very nature of the group invites a lot of turnover because representatives will represent their chapter and progress a sustainability project for anywhere from a few weeks to a year,” said the Green Greek Director Talia Haller. “Prior to the website, we didn’t have a very good way to integrate new representatives into the group and get them up-to-date on what past representatives from their chapter had done. It was like starting over every time a new representative showed up."
The website changes that. Designed by Talia, the website has many key features that will make it easy for representatives to get involved right away.
One key feature is the “Green Greek Profiles” page. This page brings the viewer to a screen with a grid of circles, each picturing a different chapters house. Roll the mouse over a circle and the that chapter’s current representative pops up. Click on a particular circle, and you’ll be taken to that chapter’s page, where there’s a bio of the current representative (to be updated regularly) and all the project reports from past representatives, listing what their past project was, how successful it was, and what their recommended steps are for the new representative. In some cases, representatives may continue the work of a past representative. In others, representatives may start a new project.
What’s more, representatives who are unsure of where to start can go look at other chapters pages to get ideas. Not only is this page informative but it can also be used to spur competition and engage chapters. When one chapter sees that it’s behind the others, it will have that added peer pressure to take action.
Another key feature is the “Events” page, which will clearly outline when/where meeting and GGRP events will be held. The site will also have a “Project Gallery” where representatives and others can look through past and current successful projects to get ideas or learn about the program.
“In large part, the website is being designed to showcase what we’ve done and make it easy for everyone within the group to know what’s going on and be able to easily access data, past project reports, etc.” Talia explained. “Another key motivator in creating the website is that our group hopes to spread our innovative program model to other Greek Communities around the country.”
In order to do that though, the GGRP needs a way to easily communicate their efforts. The website, designed to project a passion for sustainability and act as a motivator for those both in and outside of the program, gives the group greater credibility and is sure to help them expand in the future. Check out the site here!