The UW Farm recently featured alumni Michelle Venetucci, who worked on the Farm in its early days from 2008-2011. She was involved with the effort to expand the Farm from its initial site at the Botany Greenhouse to its larger location at the Center for Urban Horticulture.
Venetucci found digging in the dirt wasn't the only way to get involved in the Farm. She helped create an online presence for the Farm, including building an early website.
My favorite part about the farm was that if you had an idea or a passion, you could create something with it.
The skills she learned while working for The UW Farm directly carried over to her post-UW career. Venetucci now lives in the Bay Area, where a previous job included giving farm tours to teach people about sustainable agriculture, and where she's now working in the tech field.
I will always be grateful that the UW Farm was where I learned to build my first website, and showed me just how useful a skillset that could be. Just goes to show that you can learn a lot more than just farming at the UW Farm.
To learn more on how working with UW Farm helped shape Venetucci's experience during and after her time at UW, check out the post on the UW Farm's blog.