The application deadline has been extended for the RecycleMania 2015 Student Planning Committee winter quarter positions!
The new application deadline is Wednesday, November 12th. RecycleMania is a national tournament in which college campuses compete to see which can recycle & compost the most campus waste. Every year during winter quarter, UW competes for national recognition in RecycleMania. To help the campus rise to the top of the RecycleMania rankings, UW Recycling selects qualified individuals to participate in a student-led planning committee. The committee works directly with UW Recycling to guide the decisions, lead activities and implement pilot projects to reduce campus waste during the competition period.
Application Process & Requirements:
To apply, please send the following to Jessica Lisiewski at recycle@uw.edu with “RecycleMania Committee” in the subject title:
• Your name and contact information (phone number and e-mail).
• Academic program and year in school.
• A brief written statement (200 words or less) explaining why you are interested in being a member of the committee and what skills, experience, and/or passions you plan to bring to the committee. Feel free to also include any ideas you might have for projects or activities you’d like to see the RecycleMania Committee focus on this year.